load SWX2005 from hard-drive copy of CDs

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Just checking to be sure I am not missing a better option...

    Because of the windows installer method of installing and service-packing
    SWx it is convenient to just copy the 3 CD's to the hard drive and install
    from there (that way we don't need to dig out the CD's again when it is
    service pack time, if we need to roll things back, etc).

    The problem is that the installation can't figure out how to jump to the
    copy of CD2 and CD3 to find the .cab files in swwi\data, nor can I direct
    the installer to the correct directory when it can't find the files. My
    solution was just to dump all of the .cab files into the swwi\data directory
    for the copy of CD1. I searched the newsgroup and found someone else used
    the same solution when 2004 came out. Is this THE way to go, or is there a
    better option that I am missing? Are there any known pitfalls?
    Edward T Eaton, Nov 26, 2004
  2. Edward T Eaton

    Scott Guest

    If you install all 3 CD's into one directory, you have to install them all
    into a one directory called (EX: C:\SWWI) When you copy the CD's into that
    Directory don't make CD1, CD2, & CD3 folders. Just copy each CD into that
    SWWI folder and when it asks you to overwrite a file you do it. I know it
    sounds strange but that is how you are suppose to do it. It will work trust

    But Honestly Ed! If your looking at doing this then you should really make
    an Admin Image on a server and install from that. Then when a SP comes out
    you upgrade the Admin install. Then after the SP is upgraded and a user
    starts SW, It will inform the user that there is a new version and it will
    ask them to install it directly from the Admin image. It's pretty sweet and
    I have setup one of my systems like this and works very well. There are a
    lot of my customers that are doing the very some process with the Admin and
    they are not having any problems at all with it. The only thing I know you
    have to do is you have to install directly at the server station... That's

    Best Regards,
    Scott Baugh, CSWP
    Scott, Nov 26, 2004
  3. Thanks, Scott... always good to hear from you.
    We will be trying the admin image at work - it does sound like a VERY sweet
    My question related to my system at home (no network). I was too nervous to
    try dumping all the CD files into one bucket, but I will do that from now on
    (unless I hear a horror story). I'm suprised and maybe a little sad that
    our friends at SolidWorks don't even bother to include a little .txt file on
    the CD to let us know your tip if that is 'how we are supposed to do it'.

    Edward T Eaton, Nov 27, 2004
  4. Edward T Eaton

    Muggs Guest


    That is what was sugested by my VAR, and I have done this since 2004 with no
    I install all contents of all 3 CD's into one dir C:SW2005_Install.
    When Windows complains about there already being a file called Setup.bat
    just overight in each case.
    It's worked like a charm for me so far. I can't say about the Admin Image,
    I'm selfemployed in my basement, home network.


    Hey everyone I answered a question for Ed, I answered a question for Ed!!!
    Muggs, Nov 27, 2004
  5. Edward T Eaton

    Scott Guest


    You can copy the CD's to your HDD like I mentrioned, but you will never be
    able to remove it, because when you upgrade it will look at the place at
    where you install the intial SW at. IMHO, if your going to do that just do
    an admin image. However I wonder what uses up the most Disk space.... An
    Admin image or copying all the CD's to your HDD.

    My Admin Image folder Size is 2.7GB. If you copy the CD's to your HDD check
    the amount of Diskspace used. If you exceed 2.7 then if I were you, I would
    use the Admin image. I know disk space is cheap, but it's still disk space
    that could be used for other things.

    I have one computer that is on a networkof 3 others, but I only installed
    the Admin and SW on that 1computer (For testing). I could use that Image for
    all my other systems, but I have each one done differently, depending on
    what kind of calls come in to me.

    I hope to see you at SWWC this year. I'm sure you will be there. Maybe I'll
    make a CD of what I wanted you to see last year.

    Best Regards,
    Scott Baugh, CSWP
    Scott, Nov 27, 2004
  6. The Solidworks 2004 CD is 2.2 Gig on my hard-drive
    See you in Orlando.
    Edward T Eaton, Nov 28, 2004
  7. Edward T Eaton

    Scott Guest

    2.7 is with SW05 - See you there!

    Scott, Nov 28, 2004
  8. I have been doing it for quite some time by copying all the CDs into a
    single folder on a network drive. Works great - no issues - no more CD

    I have chosen not to use an Admin image because I don't necessarily want all
    copies to update at the same time. Sometimes a user is quite happy with how
    his machine is running, so I leave it alone until an issue arises, or I see
    a bug that really needs to be addressed - such as SW2005 weld symbols, etc.
    It also gives us a way to check out different bugs - multiple versions

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 29, 2004
  9. Edward T Eaton

    Scott Guest

    If that's the case you could just not upgrade the admin image to the latest
    SP. then you wouldn't have to worry about it. But then there is testing...

    Scott, Nov 29, 2004
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