Load ERP materials

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hardkey, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. hardkey

    hardkey Guest

    Hi all.

    I'm a software developer, and I want to link SW with the ERP solution
    of my company. My customer wants to pick up from a list inside
    SolidWorks the material a part is made of. Of course, options in the
    list have to be imported from the ERP. After choose the material from
    the list, a custom property has to be filled with that value. In the
    list must be the part number (code) of the material in the ERP and the
    description. The list must be searchable. The objective is to put this
    custom property in the Excel BOM and export to the ERP the complete
    structure of an assemble.

    Can we do this with SolidWorks? With an addon? It's not possible? Or we
    have to focus the problem in a differente way?

    Advanced thanks.

    Pedro J. Romero.
    hardkey, Jun 14, 2005
  2. Yes, you should be able to do this with SolidWorks. Probably the best
    integrated solution would be to write a custom addin. I've written
    several addins that interface with our ERP system to look up part
    information and product structures for the BOM (and also update the ERP
    data from SolidWorks). Download the API SDK from the API support
    section on the SolidWorks website. It has some examples and will build
    a skeleton addin project for you in a few different languages. There
    are also lots of examples on the website. Basically, you are just
    limited by how much time you have to spend in development.

    Jonathan Anderson
    Jonathan Anderson, Jun 14, 2005
  3. I can customize Solidsentry for your company.
    Just let me know your needs and I'll make it work for you
    agnaldo.neves, Jun 15, 2005
  4. hardkey

    Sporkman Guest

    Solidsentry? The only product I see on your Web site is
    Sporkman, Jun 19, 2005
  5. Sorry, It was my mistake, SolidReflection is the right one, we are
    working on new package, SolidSentry
    agnaldo.neves, Jun 20, 2005
  6. hardkey

    TOP Guest

    I looked at the web site. I wasn't quite clear about how it worked. Is
    there a manual or sometihng that describes it in detail?
    TOP, Jun 20, 2005
  7. I'll put a tutorial online in few days
    Is great tool...
    You won't believe
    agnaldo.neves, Jun 20, 2005
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