load and run

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chuck, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Chuck

    Chuck Guest

    I have a lot of lisp routines that are started by the same name as the lisp
    name. i.e.
    file name caps.lisp is (defun c:caps ().........,
    met.lsp is (defun c:met ()........,any.lsp is (defun c:any.....etc.
    The name of the lisp file is the same as the string that must be entered to
    run it once it is loaded.
    In a tool macro (load "caps") caps would load and then run the caps
    lisp routine. I do not want to create a separate tool for each lisp routine,
    but rather one that will accept a variable name and the load the lisp
    routine using the variable name then run it using the same variable name.
    I've tried a macro like this:
    ((setq vname (getstring "\nFile Name to load: ")(load vname)) (vname)

    The idea is that when I press the button the following prompt would appear

    Command: File Name to load:
    enter: caps
    and this would load then run caps.lsp.


    Command: File Name to load:
    enter: met
    and this would load then run met.lsp.


    Command: File Name to load:
    enter: any
    and this would load then any any.lsp.

    etc. all using the same tool.


    Check out the history below

    Command: (setq vname (getstring "\nFile to load And Run: "))(load vname)

    File to load And Run: cap

    Command: cap

    Select object:


    This works great it loads the cap.lsp file using an alias vname....then I
    type in cap again and it runs the cap.lsp file.

    I don't want to type in cap again I want to run cap by means of the same
    vname alias.

    check the history below


    Command: (setq vanme (getstring "\nFile to load And Run: "))(load

    File to load And Run: cap
    ; error: bad function: "cap"
    Chuck, Mar 8, 2006
  2. Chuck

    Chuck Guest

    so what would my button macro be? I've tried this.

    (setq vname (getstring "\nFile to load and run "))(load vname)((strcat
    "c:" vname))

    No luck
    Chuck, Mar 8, 2006
  3. Chuck

    Chuck Guest

    Now we're back to having to type in caps twice. If I run (setq vname
    (getstring "\nFile to load and run "))(load vname) the return prompt will be
    File to load and run:
    Then I enter caps on the command line the return prompt is
    Then to run Caps I will need to type in Caps again on the command line.
    It's this last step I am trying to eliminate. I've already typed in caps
    once and I would like to eliminate the need to type it in again.
    Chuck, Mar 10, 2006
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