Load and position a partial menu via lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ccyc, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. ccyc

    ccyc Guest

    I've extensive searching and reading this group for the answers to my question and I believe I'm close.

    What I have is a lisp that will load a MNS file - that works.
    Next i need to position is on the menu bar and I believe I have the code that does that - only I can't get it to run in a lisp.

    (command "._MENULOAD" "JST-Commands.mns")

    Code to turn on and position:
    menucmd "P8=+JST.POP14

    How do I incorporate the last bit of code into the menuload lisp to add the menu to the menubar at the specified postion 8.

    Thanks, Chris
    ccyc, Mar 22, 2005
  2. ccyc

    ECCAD Guest

    Here's a sample..

    ;; Load the EC menu brancher..
    (if (findfile (strcat ec_drv "/ec/menus/ec14wf.mnu"))
    (if (= (menugroup "EC") nil)
    (command "_MENULOAD" (strcat ec_drv "/ec/menus/ec14wf"))
    (menucmd "P15=+EC.POP1")
    ); end progn
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    ); end if

    ECCAD, Mar 22, 2005
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