Lithography simulation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mobil, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Mobil

    Mobil Guest


    Does anyone know how to run lithography simulation after layout? It is
    said this would improve yield. Currently in our group, we have Calibre
    Litho-Friendly Design package (LFD) for this purpose, but we don't
    have the lithography simulation rule file. Is the lithography rule
    file provided by the foundry or the same as DRC file?

    Thanks and looking forward to your reply.


    Mobil, Aug 11, 2008
  2. Mobil

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Mobile,

    Calibre LFD is a great tool but it is as good as a chocolate tee pot
    without an LFD Deck from your foundry. You definitely need this
    'precious' file to run LFD.
    Who told you LDF improves Yield BTW ? There is a bit of marketing hype
    in there I'm afraid ...
    LFD is great tool that spots the areas in your layout that are most
    likely to fail during lithography. LFD allows you to improve your
    layout to make it better lithography wise. And off the top of my head,
    LFD allows a KOF accurate extraction of device properties (ex: MOS W/
    L) when you run PEX. In other words, if you draw a MOS whose W/L are
    2/1, then LFD may come with something like 1.95/0.99 (Just an
    example), which should be the true value on the silicon.
    Again, LFD is just an engine that should be fueled with the yield data
    from your foundry. The results are really depending on how the models
    are fitting the reality of Yield on the real silicon. That's the
    hardest part of the Job in fact.

    At the end, the magic EDA tool that makes your yield going up is an
    utopia I'm afraid, the silicon world is far from being as ideal as
    some 'marketing' guys though it. I have very very good reasons in
    saying this but I'm not going any further so far. I can tell more on
    request though ;-)

    Enjoy yourself !

    Riad KACED, Aug 18, 2008
  3. Mobil

    Mobil Guest

    Thank you very much for your long letter, Riad.
    Actually in our university project, we mostly deal with the RF circuit
    which only contains a few number of wires unlike the large-scale
    digital circuits. I think you're right, doubling the vias is a good
    way in most of scenarios.

    Thanks a lot.


    Mobil, Aug 27, 2008
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