list of BooleanButtons will not display in hiCreateAppForm

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by David, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. David

    David Guest

    The following snippet is used to generate a list of boolean buttons that
    will be used to select what Level 0 text will be used to generate hierarchial
    power plots.
    Everything seems to run okay except that only the first boolean button in
    the list shows up in the Form.
    Anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
    David, Oct 17, 2003
  2. David

    suresh j Guest

    This modified one works.

    toggleList was a flat list something like this toggleList =
    list(list(formStr x:y x:y pw formStr x:y x:y pw formStr x:y x:y pw )).

    Code is modified to make toggleList = list(list(formStr x:y x:y pw)
    list(formStr x:y x:y pw) list(formStr x:y x:y pw) )

    Suresh J

    /***** Create Fields for AppForm *****/
    loopCntr = 1
    xCrd = 20
    yCrd = 90
    labelList = list("a" "b" "c")
    foreach( labelItem labelList
    printf( "%d %s\n", loopCntr labelItem )
    if( loopCntr == 1
    toggleList = list( list(hiCreateBooleanButton(
    ?name concat( strcat( "ppBool"
    labelItem ) )
    ?buttonText labelItem
    ?callback "boolCallBack()"
    ?defValue t
    ) xCrd:yCrd 100:80 80 ))
    myBoolList = list( list(hiCreateBooleanButton(
    ?name concat( strcat( "ppBool"
    labelItem ) )
    ?buttonText labelItem
    ?callback "boolCallBack()"
    ?defValue t
    ) xCrd:yCrd 100:80 80 ))
    toggleList = append( toggleList
    myBoolList )
    ) ;;; end if

    yCrd = yCrd+30
    printf("toggleList = %L\n", toggleList)
    ) ;;; end foreach

    BP_configForm = hiCreateAppForm(
    ?name 'BP_configForm
    ?formTitle "Batch Plot"
    ?callback list( "BPJnk1()" "BPJnk2()" )
    ?unmapAfterCB t
    ?buttonLayout 'OKCancelApply
    ?help ""
    ?fields toggleList
    ) ;;; end hiCreateAppForm

    hiDisplayForm( BP_configForm )
    suresh j, Oct 17, 2003
  3. David

    David Guest

    Thank you, Suresh!!
    Works perfect :)


    David, Oct 17, 2003
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