list of all lpps

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jimka, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. Jimka

    Jimka Guest

    Does anyone know how to get a list of all layer-purpose-pairs which are
    in a given tech file? I.e., the list of all valid lpps that can be
    given to dbCreateRect for

    Jimka, Nov 18, 2006
  2. d_techFileId = techGetTechFile( ddGetObj( t_techLibName) )

    ;; filter the list of layers defined in the technology file for layers
    ;; with the attribute valid equals true
    l_validLayersObjList = setof(

    You can further proceed the list and filter what ever you want. I guess.
    Is this what you wanted to know? ;-) ?

    Bernd Fischer, Nov 20, 2006
  3. Jimka

    Jimka Guest

    great thanks... what does it mean for a layer to exist but not be
    valid? can i create
    temporary shapes in non-valid existing lpps?

    Jimka, Nov 21, 2006
  4. what does it mean for a layer to exist but not be
    I'm not quite sure but I think so, try it!
    Indicates whether the layer-purpose pair appears in the layer selection
    window (LSW)."
    Source: Technology File and Display Resource File ASCII Syntax Reference Manual.

    At least valid layers can be visible in the layout cellview, because of
    the argument "visible", why shouldn't you not to be able using them for
    the creation of shapes?
    Indicates whether the layer-purpose pair is visible in the display device."

    Bernd Fischer, Nov 21, 2006
  5. You can create whatever you like using db functions. The "valid" status affects
    the user interface - it won't let you create shapes on that layer, since you
    can't select them from the LSW, for example.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 24, 2006
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