List files not found

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ole Engvoll, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Ole Engvoll

    Ole Engvoll Guest

    Hi! Is there a way to list all files (subassembleys, parts) in a huge
    assembley which SW do not find and thereby cannot load? Thanx. Ole
    Ole Engvoll, Apr 1, 2009
  2. Ole Engvoll

    Anna Wood Guest

    File > Find References
    Anna Wood, Apr 1, 2009
  3. Ole Engvoll

    manager Guest

    As Anna mentioned Find References will help. But that isn't the whole
    picture. I had a macro that would find not just file references for
    current configurations but also broken references for configs that were
    not active. This can be troublesome, especially with drawings
    referencing things that no longer exist.

    manager, Apr 1, 2009
  4. Ole Engvoll

    Ole Engvoll Guest

    Perfect! And with export to Excel, problema. Thanx!
    Ole Engvoll, Apr 2, 2009
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