Lisp to change wblock from 2004 to V2000.Please help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by miken, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. miken

    miken Guest

    I am trying to wblock out part of a drawing and have a routine which
    automatically resaves the file as V2000. Surely this can not be hard
    but as I have limited lisp skills I am stuck. Any help would be great.

    (if (findfile dwgnm)
    (command "wblock" dwgnm "y" "" '(0 0 0) ss "" "oops")
    (command "wblock" dwgnm "" '(0 0 0) ss "" "oops")
    (command "filedia" "0")
    (if (findfile dwgnm)
    (progn (command "qsave")(command "open" dwgnm))

    (COMMAND "saveas" "2000" dwgnm "y")
    (command "filedia" "1")

    This obiously does not work as the drawing will not open as I can not
    work out the syntax...

    Mike Nowson

    PS I would rather not have to close the current drawing that I am
    wblocking from is that possible. Ie to open another file without
    closing the active file?
    miken, Jan 26, 2004
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