LISP routine turning Excel Coord. into a Spline

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gary_M, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Guest

    I am looking for a program that will take my point information in Excel and
    turn it into a spline in AutoCAD.

    Gary Marzetti
    Gary_M, Apr 5, 2004
  2. Gary_M

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    You could probably do it pretty easily with a script.
    1. save your excel sheet to a .csv
    2. change the extension to .scr
    3. open with notepad and add SPLINE to the top.
    4. drag and drop the script file into AutoCAD.

    your scr file should look something like this

    and so on...
    Jason Rhymes, Apr 5, 2004
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Guest

    I tried it, didn't get it too work. I created a new Excel sheet and plugged
    in your numbers - saved it as a .csv file. Changes the name to a .scr -
    opened it in Notepad and added spline, and then SPLINE the 2nd time -
    dropped both in and neither worked. Is there something missing?

    Gary M
    Gary_M, Apr 5, 2004
  4. Gary_M

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    Here's one that I just did that works. Compare it to what you have. Because
    the command doesn't terminate, you may have to hit enter 3 times at the end.
    Jason Rhymes, Apr 5, 2004
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