Lisp Question - ssget

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mlv, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Unfortunately ssget doesn't support initget, I wish it did. Maybe it does
    in AutoCAD 2006.

    When ssget is active, it will accept various letter inputs that define the
    selection mode. Most of the letter functions I know, but there are two
    letters that I cannot establish the purpose of:

    A - ?
    C - Crossing
    F - Fence
    G - Group
    L - Last
    M - ?
    P - Previous
    R - Remove
    U - Undo
    W - Window

    'A' doesn't appear to do anything (it doesn't select All, for example). 'M'
    seems to put ssget into some strange single-pick mode where the selected
    items are not highlighted until <enter> is pressed.

    There are also various two letter combinations (e.g. CP, WP, etc.) that are
    accepted by ssget. All other letters throw up an *Invalid selection* error

    Does anyone know the function of 'A' and 'M' when used with ssget?
    mlv, Sep 14, 2005
  2. mlv

    Chip Harper Guest

    (ssget [sel-method] [pt1 [pt2]] [pt-list] [filter-list])Selection sets can
    contain objects from both paper and model space, but when the selection set
    is used in an operation, ssget filters out objects from the space not
    currently in effect. Selection sets returned by ssget contain main entities
    only (no attributes or polyline vertices).



    A string that specifies the object selection method. Valid selection methods

    C Crossing selection.

    CP Cpolygon selection (all objects crossing and inside of the specified

    F Fence selection.

    I Implied selection (objects selected while PICKFIRST is in effect).

    L Last visible object added to the database.

    P Last selection set created.

    W Window selection.

    WP WPolygon (all objects within the specified polygon).

    X Entire database. If you specify the X selection method and do not provide
    a filter-list, ssget selects all entities in the database, including
    entities on layers that are off, frozen, and out of the visible screen.

    :E Everything within the cursor's object selection pickbox.

    :N Call ssnamex for additional information on container blocks and
    transformation matrices for any entities selected during the ssget
    operation. This additional information is available only for entities
    selected via graphical selection methods such as Window, Crossing, and point

    Unlike the other object selection methods, :N may return multiple entities
    with the same entity name in the selection set. For example, if the user
    selects a subentity of a complex entity such as a BlockReference,
    PolygonMesh, or old style polyline, ssget looks at the subentity that is
    selected when determining if it has already been selected. However, ssget
    actually adds the main entity (BlockReference, PolygonMesh, and so on) to
    the selection set. The result could be multiple entries with the same entity
    name in the selection set (each will have different subentity information
    for ssnamex to report).

    :S Allow single selection only.


    A point relative to the selection.


    A point relative to the selection.


    A list of points.


    An association list that specifies object properties. Objects that match the
    filter-list are added to the selection set.

    If you omit all arguments, ssget prompts the user with the Select Objects
    prompt, allowing interactive construction of a selection set.

    If you supply a point but do not specify an object selection method, AutoCAD
    assumes the user is selecting an object by picking a single point.

    Return Values

    The name of the created selection set if successful; otherwise nil if no
    objects were selected.
    Chip Harper, Sep 14, 2005
  3. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Thanks for the info.

    My question relates to interactive construction of a selection set using

    If you simply enter

    (setq ss (ssget)) <enter>

    at the command prompt, and then proceed to construct a selection set by
    picking entities on screen, then certain arguments (C, W, L, P, etc) set up
    particular selection modes (Crossing, Window, Last, Previous, etc).

    Both A and M are accepted by ssget as a valid argument, but what is their
    effect? What selection mode/option do they set up? I can't see what they
    do and I can't find reference to either A or M in the help files.
    mlv, Sep 15, 2005
  4. mlv

    Jeff Guest

    Input an invalid character and you will get the list of the supported
    letters and their descriptions......
    Command: (ssget)

    Select objects: z

    *Invalid selection*
    Expects a point or

    Jeff, Sep 19, 2005
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