LISP program needed

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dennis, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    I need a reletively simply Lisp program, that
    will either increment, or decrement a number by
    a preset amount. Does anybody have this critter,
    or know of its whereabouts?


    Dennis, Jun 20, 2004
  2. Dennis Guest

    its raelly simple and maybe you should try it by yourself (...
    learning much when doing this) ;-).
    The calculation is no problem:
    (setq new_number (+ old_number increment))
    If you use "setq" to define old_number and increment befor calculating
    the new number you've got it. The question is: what do you want to do
    with the incremented number?
, Jun 20, 2004
  3. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    These are 8 digit, digital addresses(about 400) thoughout several
    drawings. Each has to be incremented by 1. I need a fast
    way to do it,

    Dennis, Jun 20, 2004
  4. Dennis

    bestafor Guest

    You might look at and in the "get the code"
    section, search for "text". There are some search and replace
    with incremental changes, 11/1996 is one option. Then a script
    file could open each drawing and make the changes.
    bestafor, Jun 20, 2004
  5. Dennis

    Mr. B Guest

    Take this and run with it. It increases by ONE (1) number. You'll have to
    adjust to suite your needs (I wanted to max out to 999... but you can modify
    that as you want - if needed). nmbr is the variable that gets increased by

    I've cut out quite a bit of my routine just to give you the basics. 'nmbr'
    gets increased by ONE in the 'myLoop' Defun. I was inserting a symbol with an
    attribute and increasing it by one number each insert. So the myLoop defun
    kept on going until I cancelled the routine.

    (Defun myLoop ( )

    ; insert Note
    (command "insert" "MSnote-nbr" newptx scbase scbase 0 nmbr)
    ; now set the note Number
    (setq nmbr (+ nmbr 1))

    ) ;Defun nextt

    (initget (+ 1 2 4))
    (setq nmbr (getreal "\nEnter the Starting Number (1 to 999): "))
    (setq nmbr (fix nmbr))

    (setq testx 1) ; a number for While loop
    (while (<= testx 9999)
    (myLoop) ; Do your Loop part Here
    (setq testx (+ 1 testx))
    ) ;while


    Mr. B, Jun 20, 2004
  6. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    thank you,


    Dennis, Jun 20, 2004
  7. Dennis

    Paul Turvill Guest

    .... which Bob just gave you. Use a little initiative.
    Paul Turvill, Jun 21, 2004
  8. Dennis

    moriero Guest

    moriero, Jun 21, 2004
  9. Dennis

    Bigjobs Guest

    I have got a program that will increase a number from an inputted start
    point, to an inputted sequence tos points as picked for each number.

    Only increases though, although I haven't tried it with a minus sequence.

    worth looking at that


    Mail me for a copy if you want
    Bigjobs, Jun 21, 2004
  10. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    No, I want somebody else to do all the work for me......
    Dennis, Jun 22, 2004
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