Lisp for p-line length

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DavidM, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. DavidM

    DavidM Guest

    Hi all - I have been searching for a LISP that might do what I want, but can
    not really find anything readymade that will do it. What I'm chasing is a
    way of drawing a p-line such that it will limit it's total length to x
    units. Such that running the lisp will ask me "How many units?:" to which I
    enter, say, 400, and then it lets me start drawing the p-line a segment at a
    time until I get up to 400 units total length whereby it constrains the last
    segment to end at only points that would ensure a maximum length of 400

    So, has anyone seen a Lisp that will do this, or if it is an easy program to
    write is anyone able to help me out with the few lines of code?

    David M
    DavidM, Apr 24, 2007
  2. Post it if you find one. I could use something like that for lots of
    fire/life-safety related applications.
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 24, 2007
  3. BTW, now I draw the line and either LIST it or use MEASURE to find a
    distance along it.
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 24, 2007
  4. DavidM

    DavidM Guest

    Interesting. As an architect, I can appreciate that. My application was for
    pedestrian walking distances. without this lisp, I print out my drawing and
    use a piece of string. Frustrating...

    David M
    DavidM, Apr 24, 2007
  5. See my other post about what I do now. I could write this routine myself,
    but it's hockey tryout season right now....everything else takes a back

    Maybe in May. We could correspond on the kind of functionality required.
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 24, 2007
  6. DavidM

    Bill Gilliss Guest

    Until that lisp shows up, how about using LENGTHEN > TOTAL? Draw the
    pline where you want it to go, and then another 100 units or so. Then
    use LENGTHEN > TOTAL to trim it to the desired total length. Not exactly
    what you were asking for, but better than string...

    Bill Gilliss, Apr 24, 2007
  7. True, but almost anything's better than string ; )
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 24, 2007
  8. DavidM

    The Jester Guest

    Erm ... I don't know if this is any help (and I know sh*t about LISP, but am
    starting to learn VBA as we speak), but you could also trim to a circle with
    the radius equal to the length of the last segment. That way it doesn't
    matter what direction the user chooses to go with the pline.

    Just my 2 cents.

    The Jester, Apr 25, 2007
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