LISP expression in TEXT

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Good evening (here's evening!)
    or any another time of the day!
    I would know how to pass a LISP expression
    or variable to any of single-line text commands
    to get the *beginning* of the string and allow
    to user to type the *rest* of it while

    (while (= (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 1)
    (command pause)
    ) ; - 'command'

    if it's possible.

    I tried TEXTEVAL with (command txt) and (princ txt)
    and (eval txt) and TEXT and -TEXT and DTEXT...
    Without any success...

    If there is some way or it IS hopeless?

    Thank you in advance!
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 12, 2004
  2. Alexander V. Koshman

    RDI Guest

    If I understand what you're asking for, this might point you in the right
    direction. It sits in a loop and accepts one character at a time and
    appends them into a string. As soon as you press enter, it quits. The end
    result is a variable named newTxt.

    (setq tst 1 newTxt "")
    (while tst
    (setq char(grread nil))
    ; (alert (itoa (cadr char)))
    (if(= 2(car char))
    ;if it's 13, then return was pressed.
    ((=(cadr char)13)(setq tst nil))

    ;if it's 8 then a backspace was pressed
    ((and (> (strlen newTxt) 0)(=(cadr char) 8))(setq newTxt(substr newTxt
    1 (- (strlen newTxt) 1))))

    ;if it's NOT a backspace or return then append the character to the
    ((and (or (< (cadr char) 13)(>(cadr char)13))
    (or (< (cadr char) 8)(>(cadr char)8)))
    ;append the string here
    (setq newTxt(strcat newTxt (chr (cadr char))))
    );end of last condition
    ;(alert newTxt)

    RDI, Jan 12, 2004
  3. Hello!
    I think about making something like "in-place" Single-line
    Text editing if it's possible.
    My plan was:
    1. ask the user to select a text string ("TEXT" object);
    2. get its content, height, style, justification, start point, rotation ...;
    3. then I want to run the Text or DText command that write the
    beginning of the string with old content:
    4. and
    (while (= (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 1)
    (command pause)
    then to allow user to enter the rest of or modify the old string content.

    What do you think?
    I think it is impossible.
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 13, 2004
  4. Alexander V. Koshman

    Mark Propst Guest

    I don't understand.
    how is that different from "Tedit" command?
    Mark Propst, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Hello Mark!
    I want to edit the string similar to creating it
    In-place - directly IN THE DRAWING
    and not in some Dialog as DDEDIT did...
    It was not a good idea I see...
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 14, 2004
  6. Alexander V. Koshman

    ECCAD Guest

    There are only (2) places to accept 'text' imput. 1>Dialog box,
    2>at Command prompt.
    Attached Lisp modifies the text entry, adds string (char at a time) until <Enter>. Is this what you wanted ?
    ECCAD, Jan 14, 2004
  7. Alas, NO, ECCAD!
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 15, 2004
  8. Alexander V. Koshman

    BillZ Guest

    This might get you going in the right direction:

    (defun chang_text ()
    (setq txt (car (entsel "\nSelect Text: <>"))
    ent (entget txt)
    txt_ht (cdr (assoc 40 ent))
    txt_val (cdr (assoc 1 ent))
    xbase (cadr (assoc 10 ent))
    ybase (caddr (assoc 10 ent))
    (setq start_pt (list (+ xbase (caadr (textbox (entget txt))))(+ ybase(cadar (textbox (entget txt)))))
    (command "dtext" start_pt txt_ht "0")
    (setq txt2 (entlast)
    2nd_val (entget txt2)
    new_txt_val (strcat txt_val (cdr (assoc 1 2nd_val)))
    ent (subst (cons 1 new_txt_val)(assoc 1 ent) ent)

    (entmod ent)
    (entdel txt2)

    BillZ, Jan 15, 2004
  9. Alexander V. Koshman

    ECCAD Guest

    Kool ! I didn't think to use 'textbox'. Works great.
    ECCAD, Jan 15, 2004
  10. Sorry Bill!
    It's really cool with textbox, but it isn't that I want
    because the user *can not* press BackSpace
    and really EDIT the source string content!
    He can *only* ADD a new part!

    Now I'm a pessimist...
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 16, 2004
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