Lisp Errors??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by msmith111, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. msmith111

    msmith111 Guest

    Hi All,
    The lisp routines I currently run work perfectly. However, I downloaded a few from the forums here and I get the following result from each of them:

    "Initializing...Hard Error***
    Internal stack limits reached (Simulated)

    I checked some other posts regarding this topic but they didn't make much sense to me...can anyone help??

    msmith111, Feb 17, 2005
  2. msmith111

    cnbetts Guest

    Do the routines you downloaded use recursion? In my experience, this error is often caused by recursive routines. Either there is an infinite loop or there is significant use of recursion (which autolisp does not always handle well). Post the routine(s) in question, or give a reference to where you downloaded from and I'm sure someone will find the specific problem.

    Chris Betts
    cnbetts, Feb 18, 2005
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