lisp code not working in 2000

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Rand, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. Mike Rand

    Mike Rand Guest

    Hi All,

    Here is the scenario:
    Make a dummy file to be used as a block. Anything will do, say just plain text in it.

    Save this file "Atest.dwg" in a folder called "C:\test"

    Now, here is the kicker. This use to work back in REL 12, 13 & 14. No longer works in 2000 or higher.... (as far as I have been told)

    Open a "new" drawing"

    note <CR> implies carriage return

    on the command line type the following: (setq dir1 "C:\\test\\")

    next On the command line type: -insert <cr> note the "-" before insert

    system will request the file name:

    now enter on the command line: (strcat dir1 "atest") <cr>

    system response: Invalid block name:

    what should have happened is the system would fetch the "C:\test\Atest.dwg" and you would be inserting it into your drawing.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Mike Rand, Jun 1, 2004
  2. Mike Rand

    Jim Claypool Guest

    set TEXTEVAL to 1
    Hi All,

    Here is the scenario:
    Make a dummy file to be used as a block. Anything will do, say just plain text in it.

    Save this file "Atest.dwg" in a folder called "C:\test"

    Now, here is the kicker. This use to work back in REL 12, 13 & 14. No longer works in 2000 or higher.... (as far as I have been told)

    Open a "new" drawing"

    note <CR> implies carriage return

    on the command line type the following: (setq dir1 "C:\\test\\")

    next On the command line type: -insert <cr> note the "-" before insert

    system will request the file name:

    now enter on the command line: (strcat dir1 "atest") <cr>

    system response: Invalid block name:

    what should have happened is the system would fetch the "C:\test\Atest.dwg" and you would be inserting it into your drawing.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Jim Claypool, Jun 1, 2004
  3. Mike Rand

    T.Willey Guest


    Try putting it all in one command:

    (command "-insert" (strcat dir1 "atest"))

    This should work, then just fill in the rest of the insert command as you need.

    T.Willey, Jun 1, 2004
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