Lisp and VBA courses in UK

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by babtie, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. babtie

    babtie Guest

    Does anyone out there know of any lisp and vba courses in the Nottingham/Midlands area, or alternatively a quality distance learning course (hopefully with a recognised qualification at the end)
    I am trying to study at home, but I think I would benefit from a more structured approach, and deadlines! If there is a recognised qualification, I may be able to persuade the company to pay (heres hoping!)

    Thanks in advance
    babtie, Nov 11, 2004
  2. babtie

    dhorton Guest

    I was just about to post a similar query myself!
    There is, I think, a City and Guilds Autolisp course but nowhere seems to offer it.

    I'll have to pursuade my company to send me over to the US for training!!

    dhorton, Nov 11, 2004
  3. babtie

    babtie Guest

    I have been looking for a while now. The college I used to teach Cad at only ran a lisp course for a couple of years and then it was a class share with another CAD lesson because there wasn't enough interest.

    Oh if only my company would send me to the US - I probably wouldn't want to come back!

    If you find something please let me know

    babtie, Nov 11, 2004
  4. babtie

    dhorton Guest

    I'm working for Local Government, so I don't think a trip to the US could be justified, I could always cite a 'fact-finding' mission!

    I'll keep you posted if I hear of anything.

    dhorton, Nov 11, 2004
  5. babtie

    babtie Guest

    What are you using to teach yourself?
    Are you just learning lisp, or VBA too?

    Kind regards
    babtie, Nov 11, 2004
  6. babtie

    hendie Guest is looking at setting up a LISP tutorial course at the moment. you may want to pop along and ask a few questions about it.
    hendie, Nov 11, 2004
  7. babtie

    dhorton Guest


    Trial and error, a book by Rob Rawls and this Discussion group.

    Just learning Lisp at the mo', hopefully progress onto VLisp and VBA.
    dhorton, Nov 11, 2004
  8. babtie

    Matt W Guest

    Greetings from across the pond!

    I'm a primarily self-taught code monkey (oooh, that can be dangerous).

    I took a LSP course at a local community college which was just one semester
    long. It was okay but I've had more success in downloading programs and
    hacking them to bits to get a better understanding of how the code works.
    Same thing goes for VBA except I took a distance learning course in which I
    would get a packet of manuals in the mail, then I'd do the problems and mail
    them back on a floppy. They would be graded, then the next course would be
    mailed to me and the cycle would continue until that glorious day in which I
    received a little yellow-ish brown piece of paper that says
    "Congratulations! Here's your diploma, now go pin it to your cubicle wall
    for all to see".

    I can suggest a couple of good sites for LSP/VBA. If you're interested drop
    me a line at mattw_at_bvhis_dot_com
    Matt W, Nov 11, 2004
  9. babtie

    Kaai Guest

    Lisp and then visual lisp are not very hard to learn...self taught hack
    myself...there's tons of resources out there, and help here on the
    If you haven't already, start w/ .
    I don't really know much vba, I've just started monkeying around with it so
    I'm no much help there.
    Kaai, Nov 12, 2004
  10. babtie

    babtie Guest

    Thanks for peoples replies so far. I cannot believe there are no structured Lisp and or VBA classes in the UK!

    My company have agreed I can go on a college type course to gain certification for both, but I am having major trouble trying to find one!

    I am trying to learn in my own time (don't think they will pay for me learning by trial and error) but as an ex-lecturer I know the value of sitting next to someone to bounce ideas and problems off, and a tutor that will encourage/push/help you when necessary.

    So as it looks like college is out, the alternatives seem to be reading through afralisp/trying to find an alternative or trying to find a distance learning course.

    Can anyone recommend a distance learning course please!

    Kind regards
    babtie, Nov 15, 2004
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