linux slow display response

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mark Summers, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. Mark Summers

    Mark Summers Guest

    Has anyone else noticed slow display response on linux systems

    Using dual processor opterons
    RedHat linux
    5.033 tools

    Screen response is slow especially for layout. If anyone has found any
    fixes I would appreciate info.
    Mark Summers, Apr 6, 2005
  2. This is most likely a display driver problem. Display drivers often need
    tweaking to get the best performance, and the drivers for some graphics cards
    leave a lot to be desired.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 6, 2005
  3. Mark Summers

    Cricri68 Guest

    I had also such stange effects with a Matrox Video Card.
    I got better behaviour with Nvidia (FX) and best with Intel
    onboard graphic card (865G).
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks to share your conclusions.
    Christian Illinger
    Cricri68, Apr 6, 2005
  4. Hm... you aren't, perchance, using a dual-headed setup? (Just seeing
    the configuration and imagining a pretty nice setup...)

    I have personally seen severe issues with the IC tools and
    Xinerama-enabled displays (i.e., where you have a single X desktop which
    spans multiple monitors) where multiple cards were involved. There was
    no easy solution here except to disable Xinerama.
    David Cuthbert, Apr 6, 2005
  5. Mark Summers

    Mark Summers Guest

    At this time the main suspect is the video card. I will post info on what
    card didn't work and what did when we get an improved setup
    Mark Summers, Apr 8, 2005
  6. Relevant startup/debug information can usually be found in
    /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or something similar: XFree86.0.log, X11.0.log,
    X.0.log, X.log, etc.).

    Just be sure to check the timestamp on the log file so you're not
    reading an older version! (Yeah, I've been burned on this one...)
    David Cuthbert, Apr 11, 2005
  7. Mark Summers

    BigDog Guest

    Which version of 5.0.33 are you using? Also, are the licenses located
    locally, or served from a remote location. If remote, there is a bug
    that is fixed in 5.0.55 USR3 that fixes a license access speed problem
    which does show itself in startup and general slownes.
    BigDog, Apr 13, 2005
  8. Mark Summers

    Mark Summers Guest

    Switched to NVIDIA QUADRO NVX280 64MB, and problem has gone away, or atleast
    been greatly reduced
    Mark Summers, Apr 16, 2005
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