Linux, LBS, and Analog Artist...

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Steve Avery, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Steve Avery

    Steve Avery Guest

    I am having problems getting distributed jobs working in
    ADE, and was hoping someone else here has some insight...

    We are using IC 5.0.33 in a linux environment (mixed RH 7.3
    and RHEL 3.0 with compatability libraries). I have set up
    LBS and that seems to work (adptest passes, artmonitor works,
    checks from within ADE work).

    The problem occurs after I submit a job. If I submit a
    Monte Carlo job (using the Monte Carlo tool, not the builtin
    spectre function), multiple jobs are spawned which netlist
    okay, but then I get the message:

    Loading msgHandler.cxt
    ERROR (39) : Job Submission Error : Dependency conditions
    for job never satisfied : job 28 ended unsuccessfully
    Monte Carlo simulation submission successful.

    I can't find any explanation of error 39, and I can't for the
    life of me work out what dependencies are involved (I don't
    know of any unresolved schematic dependencies, and the job is
    not waiting for another to finish).

    Does anyone have a hint they could give me?


    Steve Avery
    G2 Microsystems
    Steve Avery, Feb 15, 2005
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