Linking information??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bob Quinn, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. Bob Quinn

    Bob Quinn Guest

    I have a bill of materials that we use in processing jobs the go out to the
    shop floor.
    For each machined detail on the list we have a list of operations the item
    must go thru i.e. order the material, machine the detail,
    heat treat the detail, grind the detail, edm the detail, bench the detail.
    On our master bill of material list we have a check box
    that we put a check mark in when the operation is done. We do all this on
    paper copies. The titleblocks we use in conjuction with this bill of
    materials routine allow us to "talk" back and forth with the master bill of
    materials. For example, if I enter a description
    in the titleblock of detail number 2, the description is updated on the
    master bill of materials. This only works when the titleblock
    is in the same drawing as the master bill of materials. We are doing this
    with attributes of coarse.

    What I would like to do is find a way to communicate between different
    drawings. For example, the mill hand is working on a drawing called detail 1
    and when he is done with the milling operation, he checks the "milling
    complete" box and the master bill of materials sheet (located in a different
    drawing) updates to show the same milling complete box checked.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about this....?? thanks in advance!
    Bob Quinn, Jul 14, 2003
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