Linking and maintaining Reactors

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mloreto, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. mloreto

    mloreto Guest

    I am new to reactors. I want to write a routine that will keep track of object once they are created and when they are modified. I have looked at examples, and somewhat understand how it is done. What I don't know how to do is have AutoCAD still recognize those objects (entities) once I exit AutoCAD and re-enter AutoCAD. How can I have it remember which objects in the drawing are linked to my reactors and continue tracking them? Can anyone help? even if it is pointing me to a good book on the subject.

    Thank you
    mloreto, Aug 11, 2004
  2. mloreto

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi mloreto
    Transient Reactors (the default mode) are lost when a drawing closes.
    Persistent reactors are saved with the drawing.
    If you open a drawing containing persistent reactors and the associated
    functions are not available, AutoCAD shows an error message.
    In case of transient reactors, write the notification data in a Xdata or
    Xrecord (dictionary) structure and add the reactor to the associated object
    when a drawing opens.
    - AutoCAD's help
    - The Garden Path tutorial
    - This ng
    - Dave Stein's Visual LISP Developers Bible (see customer-files ng)
    - ???

    Jürg Menzi, Aug 11, 2004
  3. You can use (vlr-pers robj) to make it persistant.
    You'll need to load all your reactor functions each time you open the drawing though.
    Also to remove the persistance, use (vlr-pers-release robj).
    You'll also need to set the reactor data to nil (vlr-data-set robj nil) in order to remove the error
    message that occurs when you reopen the the drawing again.
    This is the routine I use to destroy the reactor when the object is erased.

    ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    (defun reactor_obj_erased (nobj robj plist)

    (vlr-owner-remove robj nobj)
    (vlr-remove robj) ; disable the reactor
    (vlr-pers-release robj) ; remove persistance so that the reactor
    ; won't be here next time
    (vlr-data-set robj nil) ; eliminates the "; warning:erased VLA-object
    ; restored to NIL" message when reopening...
    (prompt "\nReactor removed...\n")
    ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Several people here think the AutoCAD reactors are more hassle than they're worth, and reccommend
    using a custom dictionary to "roll their own", but I haven't had any problems with them (esp since
    Luis E. helped me figure out what was going on with them. Thanks Luis!)
    Allen Johnson, Aug 11, 2004
  4. mloreto

    mloreto Guest

    Thank you Jurg.

    I will look into these Persistent reactors.


    mloreto, Aug 11, 2004
  5. mloreto

    mloreto Guest

    Thank you Allen,

    I will look into this. All of this is very helpful


    mloreto, Aug 11, 2004
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