Linked text

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by tjones2, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. tjones2

    tjones2 Guest

    I have a drawing template that has a block displayed on it. In this
    block there is a piece of text that is linked to the file name of the
    drawing. Our file naming convention says we use all lower case letters
    in file names. The problem is, I want this linked text to always show
    as caps on the drawing. Anyone know of a way to accomplish this? We
    are on 2006-sp4-Win-XP-PRO
    tjones2, Mar 13, 2007
  2. tjones2

    fcsuper Guest


    I would recommend leaving the file name as lowercase on the drawing,
    especially if that is the company standand on how to save them. If
    you really need to capitalize the file name, but still reference the
    file name link, you will need to find a macro that knows how to
    interpret the information to give you the output you desire for that

    However, if you want something quick and dirty, I have a macro that
    capitalizes all or selected text annotations:
    Once you run this macro, however, the file name link is delinked in
    the annotation once it is capitalized using this macro, so if you
    rename the file later, you will have to enter the changed information

    fcsuper, Mar 13, 2007
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