Linked Notes in Blocks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I have never really used blocks until recently. The problem I am having is
    that the notes in my blocks that contain links to model custom properties,
    show a box around them. They print this way as well. I have edited the
    block to see if the notes were set to a box border, and they are not.

    I have already Googled this but couldn't find anything on it. Does anyone
    have a clue what is causing this and/or what can be done to fix this?

    Seth Renigar, Nov 17, 2005
  2. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I am actually still on SW2005 SP3.0. I have not had any major issues that
    have effected me with this SP, until this one. That's why I have not
    updated. Maybe it is time to update to SP5.0 to see if that fixes the

    However, I have not been following this group for the last couple of months
    due to a bad bicycling accident that has put me out of commission for a
    while. Therefore I am not "up-to-date" on if there has been any issues with
    SP5.0 that I need to be aware of before I update. Anyone know of anything
    major off the top of their head?

    We have been talking about moving to SW2006 in the near future. I want to
    "stress it" a little at home before we change here at work though.
    Seth Renigar, Nov 17, 2005
  3. Seth Renigar

    neil Guest

    I am surprised not much has been said about SP5 here...
    I have found SP5 has most minor things sorted but still has some fundamental
    problems which is quite disappointing - yesterday I came across
    - a symmetric normal to loft that moved sideways parallel to the path and
    puckered badly on one edge.
    - mirror planes that jump from the selected one to another phantom place
    after accepting the preview showing correctly and then having then feature
    extrude itself to be 5x longer.
    - some selection issues for surfaces in the dialogue boxes
    - rollbacks that jump further up the tree when you try to access loft
    sketches making it impossible to edit without deleting it and losing some
    dependant items.
    I was hoping there might be a SP5.1.1 but it doesn't look like it...
    neil, Nov 17, 2005
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