linked dimensions?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill DeShawn, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Kevin asks:
    AutoCAD 2002
    Windows XP
    Is it possible to "link" information from one drawing to another?
    What I am trying to do is change dimensions in one drawing and have the
    dimensions on another drawing "linked" to the first drawing so it's
    dimensions would update automatically.

    I was thinking that maybe with some method using reactors to update an excel
    spreadsheet when a dimension gets changed (stretched), and then link the
    same cell to another drawing. Personally, I think it would be more prudent
    to create an drawing to be externally referenced and it would contain part
    and dimension(s) and reference it into a drawing. No need for 3rd party

    Bill DeShawn, Dec 16, 2003
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