Linked Blocks in Templates - Swx 2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by eswartz, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. eswartz

    eswartz Guest

    I know there has been some discussion regarding linked blocks in Sheet
    Formats... but what's up w/ not being able to save templates w/
    referenced documents (linked blocks)?

    We used this feature heavily in 2006 to keep title corners, stamps and
    so forth up to date as drawings that were already created only need to
    be rebuilt to implement a change.

    Was this done on purpose? Are we missing something? We really would
    like to be able to setup drawing templates w/ the blocks linked within
    them... especially in the case of title blocks.
    eswartz, Mar 3, 2007
  2. What are you saying - you can't save a drawing template with the title block
    notes tied to properties? I just did it again yesterday, so I'm a bit

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 4, 2007
  3. eswartz

    eswartz Guest

    No... I'm saying you can't link blocks to external files within a
    template. Our title corner is a block located on the network, inserted
    into a sheet format and linked back to the original file. If we
    change the title block, all we have to do is update the block and
    rebuild existing drawings (linked to that block) to update them as

    W/ Solidworks 2007, we get a message telling us templates cannot
    reference external files when attempting to save a drawing template w/
    linked blocks.

    We found a work around... we adjusted the templates in Swx 2006 and
    they still function fine in 2007. However, this work around requires
    us to have a system w/ 2006 on it just to create drawing templates.
    We can't upgrade out templates to 2007 though... we'll see if this
    causes any stability problems going forward.

    I'm wondering why Swx removed this functionality?
    eswartz, Mar 6, 2007
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