Link to dimension in move face feature

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Does anyone know how to link to a dimension in a "Move Face" feature?

    I have a "move face" feature using the rotate function in the model. I
    rotated the face 0.8° for adjustment reasons. Now, I would like to link a
    note in the drawing to this 0.8° rotation dimension so that it update if it
    were ever changed in the future. Usually you can double click on the
    feature in the model to show the dimensions, go to the dimension properties,
    and copy the dimension name for use in the note. However, when you double
    click on the move face feature, no dimension is shown. I thought I would
    take a stab at the dimension name as "D1@Move ". This did
    not work. I have no way of knowing what the dimension name is.

    Any other thoughts???
    Seth Renigar, Sep 27, 2005
  2. Seth Renigar

    Brian Guest

    You will have to create a sketch perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
    Find a known point on the face and draw a line to it from the axis ( before
    the move face feature ). Do a similar sketch after the feature and
    dimension between the two created lines. Then you have a linkable
    dimension. For whatever reason, some features cannot be linked to or added
    to equations directly ( most notably for me move/copy/rotate ), it appears
    that the move face is one of them.

    Brian Hokanson
    Starting Line Products
    Brian, Sep 27, 2005
  3. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    Thanks for the work around.

    It seems like these dimensions, as well as the others that you mention,
    should be accessible externally. The data has got to be kept somewhere deep
    in the code. I will consider this a bug and report it. Hopefully I will
    get an number. Of course out of the 10-12 numbers that I have gotten over
    the years, only 1-2 have been fixed yet.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 28, 2005
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