link custom prop to file name

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Is there a way to have a custom property linked to the document file
    name so that the custom property automatically gets populated with the
    document file name?

    Sam, Aug 11, 2005
  2. Sam

    Eddie Guest

    The property to use is "SW-File Name"
    Eddie, Aug 11, 2005
  3. Sam

    TOP Guest

    I think he is thinking about the custom properties in FILE/PROPERTIES
    in a part document.
    TOP, Aug 12, 2005
  4. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Top is right, I am looking for a way to link the document file name
    into the custom properties in FILE/PROPERTIES...
    Initially we want this particular custom property to be the same as the
    document file name but there is a chance that it might change in the
    future so instead of linking the annotations directly to the file name
    we would like to link them to a custom property that is linked to the
    file name but if needed we can change the custom property value without
    changing the documents file name. Hope that makes sense. If the file
    name cannot be linked it will still be relatively easy to manually add
    the value to the custom property.

    Sam, Aug 12, 2005
  5. Sam

    TOP Guest

    Here is a macro that does what you want and a little more. It makes
    two assumptions initially, 1st there is a configuration named TEMPLATE
    and 2nd that the part has been saved. All my document templates have
    TEMPLATE in place of default to make it obvious that the configuration
    name needs to be the part name. You can strip out any parts you don't
    need to just get to the custom property being the filename. In my case
    I always use configuration specific custom props.

    ' C:\DOCUME~1\kellnerp\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx3812\RenameConfig.swb - macro
    recorded on 07/08/05 by kellnerp
    ' Copyright 2005 by P. Kellner
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim ConfigurationMananger As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
    Dim FeatureData As Object
    Dim Feature As Object
    Dim Component As Object
    Dim PName, FName As String
    Dim Param(1), ParamVal(1) As String

    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

    PName = Part.GetPathName()
    If PName = "" Then
    PName = AskFile()
    Part.SaveAs2 PName, 0, False, False
    End If

    ptrFname = InStrRev(PName, "\") + 1
    FName = Mid(PName, ptrFname)
    ptrFname = InStr(FName, ".") - 1
    FName = Left(FName, ptrFname)

    If FName = "" Then
    longstatus = swApp.SendMsgToUser2("You must supply a filename" &
    Chr(13) & "Rerun and provide file name.", swMbInformation, swMbOk)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID("TEMPLATE", "CONFIGURATIONS", 0,
    0, 0, False, 0, Nothing)
    'Bail if TEMPLATE not found
    If boolstatus = False Then
    longstatus = swApp.SendMsgToUser2("You must run this macro on a new
    file" & Chr(13) & "Edit configuration manually.", swMbInformation,
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Part.EditConfiguration "TEMPLATE", FName, "", "", 1, 0, 0, 0,

    'Bail if configuration name not changed
    If boolstatus = False Then
    longstatus = swApp.SendMsgToUser2("Configuration Name was not
    changed" & Chr(13) & "Edit configuration manually.", swMbInformation,
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Get a description for the part
    Description = AskDescription()

    'Set Stuff in Config Prop Mgr
    Set swConfig = Part.GetConfigurationByName(FName)
    swConfig.Description = Description
    swConfig.BOMPartNoSource = swBOMPartNumber_ConfigurationName

    'Set Stuff in Config Cust Props
    Part.CustomInfo2(FName, "PartNo") = FName
    Part.CustomInfo2(FName, "DrawNo") = FName
    Part.CustomInfo2(FName, "Description") = Description

    End Sub

    Function AskFile()

    Dim Message, Title, Default As String
    Message = "Enter a fully qualified path and filename" & Chr(13) & "the
    extension will be added." ' Set prompt.
    Title = "New Part Name" ' Set title.
    Default = swApp.GetCurrentWorkingDirectory()

    ' Display dialog box at position 100, 100.
    AskFile = InputBox(Message, Title, Default, 200, 200)
    longstatus = Part.GetType()
    Select Case longstatus
    Case 1
    AskFile = AskFile & ".SLDPRT"
    Case 2
    AskFile = AskFile & ".SLDASM"
    End Select

    End Function

    Function AskDescription()

    Dim Message, Title, Default As String
    Message = "Enter a Description for the Part" ' Set prompt.
    Title = "New Part Description" ' Set title.
    Default = "-"

    ' Display dialog box at position 100, 100.
    AskDescription = InputBox(Message, Title, Default, 200, 200)

    End Function
    TOP, Aug 12, 2005
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