Lines Disappear when plotted

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by aart, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. aart

    aart Guest

    This is something that has been happening for many versions of ACAD and I have gotten so fed up with it that I tyhought I would ask someone.
    ISSUE: When printing 3D solids in a viewport, occasionally lines which describe the edge of objects do not print or preview. These are not adjacent objects, but stand-alone objects. Most of the objects describing edges print, but not all of the object. I have tried video drivers, video accelleration configuration, line weights, cranking up the arc and circle smoothness, segments in a polyline curve, rendered object smoothness, contour lines per surface. None of these variables seem to even affect this phenomenon in the least.
    Anyone with any nifty ideas?
    my email is
    aart, Aug 19, 2003
  2. aart

    Jon Kirkham Guest

    Layer set to off or no plot?


    Hideplot off?
    Jon Kirkham, Aug 19, 2003
  3. aart

    aart Guest

    Jon, as I mentioned, the issue is that some lines that would describe the edge of various, random objects do not print. Not entire objects, just parts of objects. And not in areas where two 3D objects coinside. It sometimes is an object all by itself.
    The objects layer is on (of course), shademeode is wireframe, and hideplot is on only for the viewport - not the plot.
    aart, Aug 20, 2003
  4. aart

    aart Guest

    ....oh, and all other layers are frozen in the viewport, so it's not that off/unfrozen objects are in front of the areas that are not printing. I already thought of that...
    aart, Aug 20, 2003
  5. aart

    aart Guest

    ....also, this phenomenon happens on various machines with various video cards and drivers. Windows 95 to XP, ACAD 14 to 2002. So it does not seem isolated to a particular video scheme (ATI, Invidia, etc.), operating system, or ACAD version. If it is a bug, it is prevalent.
    aart, Aug 20, 2003
  6. aart

    aart Guest

    All I can legally upload is a PDF of the issue's result (which I know does not help anyone trying to troubleshoot the issue). Perhaps someone will be able to see if this is something that looks familiar.
    The PDF file was uploaded to Customization (file uploads allowed) Visual LISP, AutoLISP and General Customization Issues under this topic.
    aart, Aug 20, 2003
  7. aart

    aart Guest

    Dean, thanks for your patience.

    This issue does not appear to be isolated to a particular version. It has "shown up" in ACAD2K originated to ACAD2K plotted, ACAD2K to ACAD2K2 plotted, ACAD2K2 originaled to ACAD14 plotted, etc...

    Were you able to find the PDF or should I email it directly to you?

    Yes, this has been a frustrating problem for a few years now and I have seen it occur in several companies, both client and vendor. We have "resolved the problem" by drawing in the missing lines in the paperspace!
    I have been monitoring these discussion groups for years and have not run across a resolved solution presented by others who have experienced the same or similar problems.

    The other frustrating part about this is that it is not 100% repeatable. In fact, it may not show up in a drawing on one day... plot plot plot... then the next day there it is... and it does not go away after it appears. The drawing does not necessarily have to be changed, re-saved or anything.
    But it usually happens on relatively complex 3D hideplot viewports. It ONLY happens to 3D objects. Now, I know that two adjacent objects sharing the same space will not allow the intersecting edges to print, but that's not what we have here (please refer to the PDF).

    In any case, I will continue to monitor these discussion groups since I can not distribute our drawings without getting slammed with a lawsuit, and I can not simply whip up a "sample" to show you. If I can reproduce the phenomenon in such a sample I will let you know. If you hear of anything like this and a solution, please let me know. You can reach me at .

    Thanks again.
    aart, Aug 22, 2003
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