Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by stype, May 23, 2005.

  1. stype

    stype Guest

    i have one file in which im working and im having problems intersecting and
    chamfering the lines from previous object
    with fresh drawed lines because the lines are not complanar

    i dont know what i did cause i never had this problem and its driving me
    nuts, does someone know how to make them
    complanar .....thanx a lot
    stype, May 23, 2005
  2. stype

    Paul Turvill Guest

    The word is "coplanar" -- and it simply means that some of the endpoints
    have elevations other than 0. If you have Express Tools, use the FLATTEN
    routine; if not, do a search for one of the several other "Flatten" routines
    that are circulating.
    Paul Turvill, May 23, 2005
  3. stype

    per.corell Guest


    Another way could be, that you set your UCS Z value according to the
    entity that you think make the problem --- the origine sometimes are
    changed and this can caurse trouble and make the messeage you tell.

    Now you don't specify exactly what command ,but if you are edditing
    polylines what you shuld do , is to learn a little AutoLisp trick ;

    first type "Elevation" that set the hight of Z , when that ask a new
    value you type "(last(getpoint))" ------ guess you see just from the
    names in the (last (getpoint)) , that you point to something to get
    it's point value.
    Anyway when you just typed (last (getpoint)) you type "end" so when you
    point to a line the point yieled will be the endpoint of the line ,and
    as it say "last" the Elevation function will recive the last of the
    point information, the Z value.

    Now this sound a much more trouble than what it acturly is, you just
    type Elevation and ansver with (last(getpoint)) be sure to snap to the
    end of the line you want to be planer with, and then nothing more
    happen ------ well something proberly will happen as maby you don't get
    that silli messeage again, but anyway remember to check the snap
    setting to, as that can also in some situations ,snap to something not
    plane with the entity you edit.
    ------- Acturly I made a lot of edditing where I used another option ;
    you type "UCS" and ansver with "entity" , then point to the entity that
    must yield it's UCS to be the current and your edditing problems are
    over . Maby this is easier than with the "Elevation" function as it
    cover UCS's out of the 3 tradisional ones.

    per.corell, May 23, 2005
  4. stype

    stype Guest

    hmmm....i tried both and both works....but ....first i tried with
    (last(getpoint)) stuff, and it worked for some time but
    the same thing happened, and second time it didnt want to work anymore, but
    then i did the flatten routine, and now
    i think everything is OK.

    only thing i dont understand ohw i did that, i never had that problem in 5
    years of autocad

    anyway thanks for the tips guys
    stype, May 24, 2005
  5. It can happen when you insert a block with non-zero Z points, or when you
    work on someone's drawing with same. The you start snapping to endpoints,
    and midpoints and perp....and deeper and deeper you get into trouble. Often
    you won't even realize it until you try something that only works in 2D like

    Other people's drawings can be a "booby trap"...a quick way to see if there
    is a problem is UCS>X>90>>, PLAN>
    Michael Bulatovich, May 24, 2005
  6. stype

    Paul Turvill Guest

    In some AutoCAD releases, it could happen merely by EXPLODEing a plain ol'
    2D polyline.
    Paul Turvill, May 24, 2005
  7. Really? Which ones? Did they take the command name a little too seriously?
    Michael Bulatovich, May 24, 2005
  8. stype

    Paul Turvill Guest

    R14 for one; I don't recall if it was a carryover from the R13 disaster.
    Paul Turvill, May 25, 2005
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