Linear Pattern suppression of features

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by steve, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    I have a number of holes that I repeat with a linear pattern "n" times.
    Between the holes I have a smaller hole - this I repeat "n-1" times (because
    it sits between the larger holes.

    Is there a way to use the same linear pattern on both holes and then
    suppress the last repetition of the small hole?
    steve, Nov 18, 2003
  2. Select the "instance" that you do not want and hit delete.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 18, 2003
  3. steve

    steve Guest

    How do I "select" the instance? (I have tried to click on it....)

    If I make 4 repeats and delete the 4th instance of the smaller hole - can I
    then change "n" to e.g. 8 - and then still have the 8th instance deleted -
    or did I delete a the 4th instance specifically?

    steve, Nov 18, 2003
  4. Select the face of the hole, it should highlight. Hit the delete key and a
    dialog box will give you the option to delete the pattern or the selected

    You deleted the specific instance.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 18, 2003
  5. steve

    Arlin Guest

    If I make 4 repeats and delete the 4th instance of the smaller hole - can I
    I am pretty sure you are just deleting the 4th instance. If you later
    change "n" to 8, the 4th instance will still be deleted instead of the
    8th instance as you intend.

    I think the best method of truly automating your pattern is to use 2
    separate patterns and then use equations to drive pattern #2 from
    pattern #1.
    Arlin, Nov 18, 2003
  6. You could have a similar result using Equations.

    double click the second pattern select the dimension that is the quantity
    double click the first pattern select the dimension that is the quantity
    type " - 1"
    now your second pattern will always have one less than your first pattern.

    I have used equations for pattern quantity to fill a length of thread.
    we cut revolve the first thread and then pattern it.
    so the equation is
    Qty@Pattern1 = 2 / Offset@Pattern1
    this will make a pattern that is less than one thread width from 2" long.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 18, 2003
  7. steve

    steve Guest

    Yeah thought so.

    I have a part that comes in different lengths - i.e. different n-value, and
    it is always the last small hole I need to delete.

    Equations - that's new territory.... so right now I have just made two
    Linear Repeats.

    steve, Nov 18, 2003
  8. steve

    Arlin Guest

    I would strongly recommend you check out the equations if you want you
    patterns to automatically update. They really are pretty simple to use.

    Basically, you would do the following:
    Create you first linear pattern n1=8, d1=2"
    Create your second linear pattern n2=7, d2=2"
    now create the driving equations:
    n2 = n1-1
    d2 = d1

    You can also create equations to automatically center your pattern
    and/or automatically calculate the number of instances to fill the part.

    If you wish, I will post an example part that uses patterns and
    equations as I have described above.
    Arlin, Nov 18, 2003
  9. steve

    Muggs Guest

    This is so simple, maybe it's not a good idea, end of the day and all that.

    But, if you dimension your part from the other end then you could always
    delete the first instance of the small hole!?!

    Muggs, Nov 18, 2003
  10. steve

    steve Guest apparently obvious!

    But it doesn't work - I just tried it - deleting the first instance means
    deleting the feature to pattern - i.e. all the following instances are

    Maybe there's another way of deleting the first instance without deleting
    the actual feature.


    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  11. steve

    steve Guest

    The "Equations" menu is not active (shaded grey) under Tools. I place the
    cursor in the #-field of direction 1, and try to select tools-equations -
    but can't.

    What do I do wrong?

    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  12. When you have your part open, click on the "Sigma" icon in the Tools
    toolbar - this brings up the equations box. Then you click "Add" which
    opens the "New Equation " box. To add a dimension to the equation, you can
    either type it in, which is prone to mistakes, or you can click on it out in
    the graphics area. To get it to show in the graphics area, double-click the
    feature in the Feature Tree. Then add the other parts like ( ), +, *, etc.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2003
  13. steve

    steve Guest

    Equations rule...!

    How do I edit an existing formula? (just the one formula - not "edit all")

    Can I create a variable and use it in many equations? (now I make the same
    calculation in all formulas to derive my "n"-value)

    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  14. Go ahead and select "Edit all" and this will open all for editing. At that
    point, pick the one you want to work on.

    I don't know for sure about the variable - others might. But, you may not
    need it. Remember that the "n" value, which I presume is the number of
    holes, is actually a clickable parameter in the graphics area. When you
    double-click on the pattern, it displays it's information and just as you
    can then change the number of instances for different configs, you can also
    select that parameter to insert into your equation.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2003
  15. steve

    steve Guest

    Yeah - got that.

    How about referring to values in other parts? I have an overall width upon
    which everything else depends - so if I change it in one part, it would be
    nice to have it cascade into all other parts.

    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  16. Good thought - this, of course, being based on the "other" end.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2003
  17. In a programming environment you would set a global variable that could be
    used later. Here, I think the way you would do it would be to have the
    length, holes, etc. defined in the context of the assy. Then you could have
    it follow another existing pattern, or whatever. However, that might not
    fit with your design or company structure.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2003
  18. steve

    steve Guest

    Thought of it - but my design is in fact not just "one large hole" it is a
    while bunch of stuff that is repeated n times - and this way I would ahve to
    create this "whoel bunch" twice + the "small hole" - so I evaluated the
    issue about having double definitions versus two linear repeats - and chose
    the latter.
    steve, Nov 19, 2003
  19. If it is simple you can select the surface of the hole and right click
    Somewhere in the menu there is delete face. if it is a hole it should fill
    the hole and your first instance is gone yet your pattern stays.

    Corey Scheich

    Corey Scheich, Nov 20, 2003

  20. I just tried creating a variable it only lets you assign a value to a
    dimension. If you need a variable I would suggest adding a reference line
    in your first sketch and dimensioning the length. Nomatter what equation
    you add to it it will not affect the model untill you use it in another
    equation. I was checking this in 2003 not sure about 2004. There may be a
    more elegant way but this is what I would do until one surfaces.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Nov 20, 2003
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