Linear pattern preselection

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. We have noticed that in a SW2008 assy, and not totally sure it has always
    been this way in SW2008, that preselecting components and also an edge, and
    then invoking a linear pattern will not populate the direction box with the
    edge. It takes that edge as a component selection with the rest and gives
    nothing in the direction box. Anyone else seeing this? I tried it again in
    SW2007 to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2008
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Krister_L Guest

    Yes Wayne

    It works like that here too, and it's very annoying once You've got
    used to pick the parts and the edge at the same time.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Apr 18, 2008
  3. I refuse to acknowledge it as a trend as it may become one. Preselection is
    just about always faster in that if you have preselected the proper stuff,
    then SW will put that stuff in the correct places and present you with the
    most logical use of it. Once you learn how it will handle that stuff, you
    can zoom along faster because you know what choices it has made.

    I will turn this one in.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 18, 2008
  4. A big part of my proffesion is observing people.

    I have noted for years that, while watching SWx employees and
    developers use SWx, they don't usually pre-select (I say 'usually'
    because there are *a few* exceptions). So when they do it their way
    everything works fine, which equals 'no problem'.
    I have had a number of bug submission sessions follow that template -
    it doesn't work the way that I thought to use it, but when they do it
    it's fine - all based on selection order.

    I almost always pre-select, because as a designer my thought process
    is ' here are two things I want to do something to then... pause...
    here's the thing I want to do to them'.
    I think as developers their general perspective is 'here's a function,
    now let's look for something to do that function to' (i.e. post

    So keep up your moxy - they need to know that well-written code will
    work both ways (pre or post select) and just because it works with
    post select that doesn't mean the job is done.

    Edward T Eaton, Apr 22, 2008
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