Linear pattern direction

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. As you know, when you want to define a linear pattern, you give it a
    distance, tell it how many, and define a direction. I discovered by
    accident that you don't necessarily have to select an edge - you can use a
    sketch line or even a dimension for the direction. So, the opportunity
    exists to define a pattern direction by some weird dimension that is already
    there, if it more accurately does what you want.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 9, 2005
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    SteveT Guest

    selecting a dimension is the only way to get the VARY SKETCH option to be
    active. This allows the user to change the size of the parent sketch
    feature while it is patterned. An example of a drain cover is in the
    essentials training manuals.

    Hope that gives more info on selecting dimensions
    Steve Tietz
    SteveT, Sep 9, 2005
  3. It's interesting how a person can use a product all this time and not
    remember every haveing seen something. I suppose I knew about the vary
    sketch at one time, but I certainly didn't remember it.

    It's odd that you have to select the dimension that locates the feature from
    the edge - you can't use the dimension that is parallel to it defining the
    bottom of the part. I wonder why.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 9, 2005
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    SteveT Guest

    That is because only the locating dimension can cause the sketch to change
    size. Think about a V shape - if you constrain a circle to the sides of the
    V The V will control the diameter of the circle, right? Well if you then
    dimension from the bottom vertex of the V to the center of the circle,
    wouldn't changing that linear dimension cause the sketch to change shape
    (diameter) -- or vary sketch.

    I hope that makes sense
    Steve Tietz
    SteveT, Sep 9, 2005
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Blair Sutton Guest

    Starting with a triangle model with a circle cut dimensioned to a point
    and tangent to offset edges of the model.

    Doing a linear pattern off of the dimension to the point and got an
    error message, but it worked.

    Doing a linear pattern off of a dimension from the cicle to a
    construction line coincident to the point worked with no error message.

    Thanks for sharing about vary sketch. I wasn't familiar.

    Patterning items that extrude to surface (as opposed to blind) can
    produce similar results of varying features consistent with design

    Blair Sutton, Sep 13, 2005
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    yawdro Guest

    At my company we do a lot of symmetrical parts where holes are
    symmetric about the center of pads. Typically in my sketch for the
    pattern seed feature, I put in centerlines and use the centerlines to
    define my hole locations with the doubled dimension tool (just like
    dimensioning diameters on round parts). I've known that you can select
    the dimensions for the pattern direction, but why can't you select the
    dimension to use in the pattern dimension? Seems like you should be
    able to select the dimension and it would create an equal relation
    between the sketch dimension and the pattern feature dimension. Right
    now I go into the sketch and set up linked dimension names to use with
    the pattern. It's more extra steps, but at least then my dimensions are
    only driven in ONE place instead of 2.
    yawdro, Sep 13, 2005
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