Linear-Linear coupler mate

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by johnsuth, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. johnsuth

    johnsuth Guest

    The documentation does not say so but it seems to me that the linear/linear
    coupler is a ball joint.

    Am I correct?
    johnsuth, Dec 26, 2008
  2. johnsuth

    Guest Guest

    not necessarily

    Guest, Dec 26, 2008
  3. johnsuth

    TOP Guest

    Linear / Linear is a 2dof joint. One rotational dof and one tranlational

    TOP, Dec 26, 2008
  4. johnsuth

    johnsuth Guest

    Can you suggest some mechanisms which fit this scenario?
    johnsuth, Dec 29, 2008
  5. johnsuth

    manager Guest

    A Hinge

    manager, Dec 29, 2008
  6. johnsuth

    johnsuth Guest

    It seems to me that a door hinge has a concentric pin and a concident
    pair of surfaces. I see one rotational freedom and zero translational freedom.

    How is my perception incorrect?
    johnsuth, Dec 31, 2008
  7. johnsuth

    TOP Guest

    It seems to me that a door hinge has a concentric pin and a concident
    pair of surfaces. I see one rotational freedom and zero translational freedom.

    How is my perception incorrect?[/QUOTE]

    True, but some hinges do not contrain that linear dof and some do. If
    you think about it, in most hinge applications all but one of the
    hinges do not constrain that axial dof simply due to tolerances.

    At this point of pickiness it is best to get out the documentation and
    see just what the software really is doing with that constrain or
    build a test case and see what it does. Takes but a minute.

    TOP, Jan 1, 2009
  8. johnsuth

    johnsuth Guest

    True, but some hinges do not contrain that linear dof and some do. If
    you think about it, in most hinge applications all but one of the
    hinges do not constrain that axial dof simply due to tolerances.

    Of course; a single hinge is not much use to anyone.

    The vagueness of the 2008 Help was my reason for asking here so it looks like a
    test case to convince myself.
    johnsuth, Jan 4, 2009
  9. johnsuth

    manager Guest

    Sorry I can't be more help. If you can paste the help here maybe I can
    see something you can't. It's been a while since I used Motion.

    manager, Jan 6, 2009
  10. johnsuth

    johnsuth Guest

    This is the 2008 help text for Linear/Linear Coupler, in full:-

    Linear/Linear Coupler Mate
    A Linear/Linear Coupler mate establishes a relationship between the translation of one component and the translation of another component.
    johnsuth, Jan 7, 2009
  11. johnsuth

    manager Guest

    Then it is a hinge because it constrains two translational and two
    rotational dof and leaves the other two free, one linear and one
    rotational. It is like a pipe inside a close fitting pipe.

    Hmmm, I wonder what a hinge looks like in four dimensions?

    manager, Jan 8, 2009
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