Line wieght will not plot for my computer.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jwitzel, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. jwitzel

    jwitzel Guest

    I can not get line wights to plot. I have tried everythjing I can think of. I have had to plot to file. open in volo then plot to get linewights. I sent the file to another associaqte who opened it and printed it using the same plot settings he got linewieghts.

    What is my computer missing or am I missing that needs to get the line wieghts to plot. When i send them to my local printer, hp2600, linweights print ok. But they do not print to the two hp plotters we have networked?

    This is becoming very frustrating for me.

    Thank you.
    jwitzel, Jul 30, 2004
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