Line Labeling

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Robert, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    I need a lisp routine to label lines with surveyors Units with bearing
    (N39°16'24"E 12.36')
    or without a bearing (12.36').

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated

    Robert, Feb 18, 2006
  2. Robert

    bestafor Guest

    I wrote this many years ago and it works with R2002.
    Load and type "bd", "enter", without the "s to run.
    Read the program header to see the options, Bearing/dist
    above/below on or off ect.
    bestafor, Feb 18, 2006
  3. Robert

    bestafor Guest

    So, I can't attached a file to this email.
    Below is the program.
    ;;;BD.lsp 9 Aug. 96 by Jiro
    ;;; Revisied by JIRO 14 May 97
    ;;; Revisied by Jiro 18 Nov. 2002...OSNAP Fix for R14 and up.
    ;;; The variable "osnapcoord" , when set to 1, will work
    ;;; This routine requires a FIXED HEIGHT TEXT-STYLE
    ;;; At the prompt "Start point:" pick a starting point,
    ;;; endpoint of a line, or ENTER the coordinates. OSNAPS are honored.
    ;;; The cmd-line display is similar to the PEDIT command.
    ;;; Bearing,Dist,Line,Flip,Start,stAck,eXit or pick-pt:"
    ;;; PRESS the following toggle's and....<ENTER> or Spacebar
    ;;; b will turn on/off bearings annotation
    ;;; and will display a Bearing on the cmd line
    ;;; d will turn on/off distance annotation
    ;;; and will display a Distance on the cmd line
    ;;; L will turn on/off lines drawn from Start point to pick-pt
    ;;; and will display a -L- on the cmd line
    ;;; f will "Flip" the "Bear/Dist"to "Dist/Bear"
    ;;; a will "stAck" "Dist Bear /" or Flip for "/ Bear Dist"
    ;;; s will allow you to start annotating at a new Start point,
    ;;; while maintaining the current status of "BDL"
    ;;; x will EXIT this program
    ;;; or pick-a-point, [ OSNAP's are honored ]
    (defun c:bd (/ SumVars )
    (defun *error* (msg)
    (princ msg)
    );end defun error

    ; Set and Save System Variables
    ; REMBEMBER to edit the vlist list
    (Defun pushvars ( )
    (setq vlist
    '(("cmdecho" . 0)
    ("aunits" . 3)
    ("angdir" . 0)
    ("angbase" . 0)
    ("osnapcoord" . 1);This fixes it in 2002
    );end setq
    (setq old_error *error*)
    (setvar "modemacro" ".")
    (ForEach pair vlist
    (Setq name (Strcase (CAR pair)))
    (If (Not (Assoc name sysvars))
    sysvars (Cons (Cons name (GetVar name)) sysvars)
    ); setq
    );end if
    (If (CDR pair)
    (Setvar name (CDR pair))
    );end foreach
    );end pushvars

    ; Restore System Variables
    (Defun popvars ( )
    (ForEach pair sysvars
    (Setvar (CAR pair) (CDR pair))
    (Setq *error* old_error)
    (Setq sysvars Nil)
    (setvar "modemacro" ".")
    );end popvars
    ;;;Additional defun functions go here
    (defun bd_main ( / ab ad ang1 ang2 at au b bo ce d do ds entla_a entla_d f
    gr l lo p1 p2 p3 s so st th to)

    (if (= 0.0 (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "STYLE" (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))))
    (alert "Change TEXTSTYLE\nto FixEd Height TEXT")
    (setq th (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "STYLE" (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))))
    b 1.0
    bo "B"
    d 1.0
    do "D"
    l 0
    lo ""
    f 1.0
    gr "B / D "
    at 0
    to ""
    switch 1
    (grtext -1 gr)
    (while (= switch 1)
    (setq p1(getpoint "\nStart point:"))
    (grtext -1 gr)
    (while p1
    (if (= b 1) (setq bo " B ")
    (setq bo " "))
    (if (= d 1) (setq do " D ")
    (setq do " "))
    (if (= l 1) (setq lo " -L- ")
    (setq lo " "))
    (if (= at 1) (setq to "BD")
    (setq to ""))
    (if (= f 1)
    (if (= to "") (setq gr (strcat bo "/" do lo))
    (setq gr (strcat do bo "/" lo))
    (if (= to "") (setq gr (strcat do "/" bo lo))
    (setq gr (strcat "/" bo do lo))
    (grtext -1 gr)
    (initget 1 "B D L F S A X")
    (setq p2 (getpoint p1"\nBearing,Dist,Line,Flip,Start,stAck,eXit
    or pick-pt:"))
    ((eq p2 "B") (setq b (- 1 b)))
    ((eq p2 "D") (setq d (- 1 d)))
    ((eq p2 "L") (setq l (- 1 l)))
    ((eq p2 "F") (setq f (* f -1.0)))
    ((eq p2 "S") (setq p1 nil))
    ((eq p2 "A") (progn (setq at (- 1 at))
    (if (and (= at 1) (not (and (= b 1) (= d 1))))
    (progn (alert "Both Bear & Dist\nMust be on\nTurning On
    NOW !\nSee CMD line")
    (setq b 1
    d 1
    ));eq p2 A
    ((eq p2 "X") (setq p1 nil switch nil ))
    ((eq (type p2) 'LIST)
    (grtext -1 gr)
    (if (= l 1.0)
    (command "LINE" p1 p2 "")
    (setq ang1 (angle p1 p2)
    ang2 (angle p2 p1)
    ds (distance p1 p2)
    p3 (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) (/ ds 2.0))
    p1 p2
    st (angtos ang1 4 4)
    st (if (equal "d" (substr st 5 1))
    (strcat (substr st 1 4) "%%d" (substr st 6))
    (strcat (substr st 1 3) "%%d" (substr st 5)))
    (if(and (> ang1 (/ pi 2.0)) (< ang1 (* pi 1.5))) (setq
    ang1 ang2))
    (if (= b 1)
    "TEXT" "J" "M" (polar p3 (+ ang1 (* f (/ pi
    2.0))) th) ang1

    (if (= d 1)
    (if (= at 0)
    "TEXT" "J" "M" (polar p3 (- ang1 (* f (/ pi
    2.0))) th) ang1
    (rtos ds 2 2));cmd

    "TEXT" "J" "M" (polar p3 (+ ang1 (* f (/ pi
    2.0))) (* 2.5 th)) ang1
    (rtos ds 2 2));cmd
    );equal type p2 list
    );while 2
    );while 1
    );end bd_main
    ;;;Start of main program
    ;;; The rest of the program goes here


    ;;; And ends here
    );end c:bd

    bestafor, Feb 19, 2006
  4. Robert

    The-trooper Guest

    I can see it just fine, 3 times :D
    The-trooper, Feb 19, 2006
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