Line Fonts in SW2003 SP3.1

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jon Ross, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. Jon Ross

    Jon Ross Guest

    This is my first post, so apologies in advance for any errors.

    We are using SW2001 SP6 for production, whilst evaluating SW2003 for
    stability, with the intention of switching over when this is
    acceptable. With each SP release this seems to have improved, and I am
    now at the the point where I am fairly happy to switch over.

    The only problem that is stopping us (I realise there are other issues
    but they are not ones that effect us too greatly) is not being able to
    show line fonts correctly.

    Although drawings created by SW 2003 at earlier SPs (0 & 1) and in
    SW2001 SP6, can be opened in 2003 SP3.1 and display line fonts
    correctly (and allow them to be edited correctly), drawing views
    produced from models created in the latest SP will only dislay with
    thin solid lines for all entity types (hidden, tangent etc.). I cannot
    find a way to change this behaviour when they are created, or after
    they are created, by editing. However, sketch entities in these
    drawings are editable - width, dotted, phantom etc. but model edges
    are not.

    Is it me, has a new function / switch been incorporated which I
    haven't found that now needs to be set to allow default drawing
    settings to display, or is this a bug?

    Have looked for a thread on this one but no luck, so guess it may be
    the former rather than the latter.
    Jon Ross, Jul 3, 2003
  2. Jon Ross

    Jon Ross Guest

    Thanks for help.

    You got me thinking.

    The templates were okay, but the line font settings you get from right
    clicking on the part in the feature tree overide the template
    settings. Returning these to default gave the correct line font.

    Thanks again.
    Jon Ross, Jul 5, 2003
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