Limit Distance Mates

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dennis Robb, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Dennis Robb

    Dennis Robb Guest

    Is it possible to control Limit Distance mates reliably from a design

    My design table has three configurations and I want to change the max
    and min values on the limit distance mate. My feature entry is
    "$TOLERANCE@D1@LimitDistance1" and have tried
    "Limit;50.000000;0.000000" and other syntaxs to make it change from 0
    to 100, 0 to 50, etc.. the tolerance takes on a mind of its own when
    you change configurations.

    Any ideas??

    Dennis Robb, Aug 19, 2004
  2. Dennis Robb

    kenneth b Guest

    i don't think it's the table causing the problem, it's just the nature
    (limit) of the limit mate. you may need to have a specific limit mate for
    each config.
    kenneth b, Aug 19, 2004
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