License Server Not Found

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Johnston, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. Hello network experts,

    Please help me.

    I've installed ADLM 2004 on a Windows XP machine.
    No other license servers are installed on the machine.
    It has 2 network adapters. One is disabled and the other is a USB network
    The USB network adapter works. I can ping and browse the computer from other
    I got my license file from adesk.

    When I run LMTOOLS I select Configuration Using License File > browse to the
    file > open it.
    When I select the Stop/Reread tab I get the following:
    Finding License Server
    License Server Not Found

    When I select the Server Status tab and Display Everything > Perform Status
    Enquiry button I get this:

    License server status: @MyServer
    License file(s) on MyServer: C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License

    lmgrd is not running: Cannot connect to license server
    The server (lmgrd) has not been started yet, or
    the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
    port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
    Server name: MyServer
    License path: @MyServer
    FLEXlm error: -15,570
    For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
    available at "".

    Where do I start trying to figure out what's wrong?


    P.S. - 20 users await.
    Mark Johnston, Feb 27, 2004
  2. Mark Johnston

    jerry milana Guest


    You should "Configure using Services" Detailed instructions on properly
    setting up the license server are documented in the Network License Guide on
    your AutoCAD CD. Instructions are also posted on the Autodesk product
    Support Knowledgebase and can be accessed with the following URL:

    Also, be aware that XP is not a server class operating system and imposes a
    10 connection limit. This is a limitation imposed by the operating system
    publisher, not Autodesk.
    jerry milana, Feb 27, 2004
  3. Thank you Jerry,
    I attended your class at AU (which was excellent by the way) and was sure I
    had all the bases covered but I forgot that last step.
    All is working now.

    I checked the documentation and under Operating Systems - Windows XP
    Professional is listed as an approved operating system with no mention of
    any limitation. I would think that a 10 connection limit should at least be
    mentioned there regardless of who's limitation it is. I think this is a
    serious error in the documentation and should be revised. I purchased our
    license server OS based on the documentation only to find that it won't
    server our needs. Are there similar limitations on the other OSes listed?

    Windows 2000 Server Edition
    Windows 2000
    Windows NT 4.0 Server Edition
    Windows NT 4.0 with SP 5.0

    Thanks again for the help,
    Mark Johnston, Feb 27, 2004
  4. Mark Johnston

    Cy Shuster Guest


    You need to check *Microsoft's* documentation for those products. Autodesk
    has nothing to do with it. The limitation is the maximum number of TCP/IP

    A hint: the OS's are marked (on their install CDs) as to whether they are
    for workstations or servers...

    Cy Shuster, Feb 27, 2004
  5. Cy,
    I feel that Autodesk DOES have something to do with it since they sold me
    the software and made recommendation as which OS to use to run their
    software on.
    Even if the limitation is Microsoft imposed that doesn't absolve Autodesk
    from providing their customers the information they need.


    P.S. - Your hint was not helpful.
    Mark Johnston, Feb 27, 2004
  6. Mark Johnston

    Ricky Guest

    Why is Autodesk responsible for your network? They stated minimum
    requirements and the licence server will work up to the limits imposed on it
    by the OS. Could grief are they also responsible for the fact that you
    might have speed issues with large models and only 256MB RAM? No it's a
    minimum requirement and if you have a requirement for large models you will
    need more RAM.. Also surely your dealer should be your first point of call,
    unless of course you brought it direct from Autodesk and it sounds like at
    some point either the dealer hasn't understood your requirements or you did
    not convey them clearly enough.
    Ricky, Feb 27, 2004
  7. Ricky,
    My point is - they state minimum requirements why not help a guy out and
    state the limitation too? They know the limitation. They wrote the software
    to operate on the OS. It isn't like the OS is suddenly going to change the
    limitation. Why not give the customer a little more information and better
    customer service?

    I promise I won't hold them accountable for the speed of my right mouse

    hmmmm. . . . . . That's two unfreindly responses in one thread. Too much
    coffee? Nick Burns syndrome?
    Mark Johnston, Feb 27, 2004
  8. Mark Johnston

    Cy Shuster Guest

    I sure see your point: for example, if they sold you 100 licenses, and knew
    you were using XP Workstation for the server OS... Detecting such
    configuration conflicts is a difficult part of sales order entry (in

    Cy Shuster, Feb 27, 2004
  9. Mark Johnston

    Ricky Guest

    Good comment, but I would hope my dealer would know my situation and advise
    me of the best set-up. Now if you deal direct with Autodesk then it's there
    problem if not I'd hassle your dealer!
    Ricky, Feb 27, 2004
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