License & Copyright protection tools for Visual LISP applications ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jesús Padilla, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. I red that theme last week, it was really interesting

    I Have a cuestion.

    I have programed lisp since 7 years ago, so that I have so many program for
    Urban Design.

    But I'm architect, not programer.

    So that I know I´m a beginner. But sometimes I have shared some of my
    programs with my friends, I have never received money for.

    But I have written a protection function which is located at the beginning
    of the file: "LandUtilities.VLX" It needs DosLib

    What do you think about this primitive protection lisp function?
    What as easy can it be cheated?

    Sorry because of my poor english

    (DeFun LU:TestRegisteredComputer (#LiReC / #InDaL #StMeL)
    #StMeL (StrCat "LU-" (SubStr (GetVar "AcadVer") 1 2))
    #InDaL (CDR (CAR(DOS_FileDate (FindFile "LandUtilities.VLX"))))
    (DOS_SerialNo "C:\\")

    ; Periodo de Licencia
    (> #InDaL 20031231); después de
    (< #InDaL 20040331); antes de
    ; última compilación mas 1 meses y menos 1 mes
    ; Debe ser actualizada a principio de año
    (> (GetVar "CDate")(- #InDaL 100))
    (< (GetVar "CDate")(+ #InDaL 100))
    ();(PrompT "\nOK Period");La Licencia está vigente
    (DOS_MsgBox "Contacta a Jesús Padilla\"
    "Land Utilities ha expirado" 1 2)
    (VL-CmdF "MenuUnLoad" #StMeL);VL-CmdF
    (DOS_MsgBox "Contacta a Jesús Padilla\"
    "Land Utilities no ha sido registrado" 1 2)
    (VL-CmdF "MenuUnLoad" #StMeL);VL-CmdF

    '("PMA-A1""8CE55C50""55690-OEM-0011903-00102"" Intel(R)
    Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz")
    '("CAD-A1""F009175D""55690-OEM-0014295-28326"" Intel(R)
    Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz")
    '("CAD-B1""A853AE14""55274-640-0000356-23309""AMD Duron(tm) ")
    '("CAD-B2""DC6D0DE8""55686-OEM-0045397-53164""Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU
    Jesús Padilla, Feb 10, 2004
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