license checkout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bstaples, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. bstaples

    bstaples Guest

    If I have a user in the options file who's allowed to checkout a license, it's possible for him/her to go to every station with the feature installed, log in and check out a license correct?

    An alternative, I understand you could make the checkout group in the options file to the workstation name, also correct? Would this be a better security or lockdown?

    If the restriction was set for workstation names, could multiple users still log in (on that station) and checkout licenses, which still makes that station have more than one license checked out?

    bstaples, Feb 23, 2004
  2. bstaples

    jerry milana Guest

    Licenses are borrowed on a per computer/per user basis. Most organizations
    find it best to restrict borrowing by user and establish borrowing
    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Professional Services

    it's possible for him/her to go to every station with the feature installed,
    log in and check out a license correct?
    options file to the workstation name, also correct? Would this be a better
    security or lockdown?
    still log in (on that station) and checkout licenses, which still makes that
    station have more than one license checked out?
    jerry milana, Feb 23, 2004
  3. bstaples

    bstaples Guest

    Is there a way in the options file I can restrict a user to only borrow one license? This way if they checkout a license on one station, then try to log in and checkout another on a different station, they'll be denied.

    I don't like the possibility of a person running around, logging in and checking out multiple licenses. I want to restrict them to one.
    bstaples, Feb 25, 2004
  4. bstaples

    Tim Ulrich Guest

    This sounds more like a people management problem that you are trying to solve with a technology solution. Just have their boss anounce that this behavior is not acceptable, then monitor for it and have their manager deal with this as a performance issue.
    Tim Ulrich, Feb 25, 2004
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