License Borrowing Not Working

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gdavi, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. gdavi

    gdavi Guest

    We have one laptop user who suddenly can't seem to borrow a Revit Series 7
    license. When connected to the network, he can borrow a license from the
    license manager no problem. But when he disconnects, and tries to open
    AutoCAD or Revit, he gets the "Specify License Server" dialog box. After
    this, we reconnect him back to the network and when he opens one of the
    programs, he is reminded that he's using a borrowed license. Weird.

    All other laptop users are functioning normally, so this doesn't appear to
    be a license manager issue. Rather, it appears to be related to this
    specific laptop or user. I can't find anything out of the ordinary, and have
    even reinstalled the programs in hopes of resolving this issue.

    Any help greatly appreciated.
    gdavi, Feb 9, 2005
  2. gdavi

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Does he have the same network interface card both when connected and
    disconnected? There have been reports of problems with users who have NICs
    in their docks at work, but not when disconnected from the net.

    Cy Shuster, Feb 10, 2005
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