License borrowing crisis

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by c.prettyman, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. c.prettyman

    c.prettyman Guest

    A user checked out a laptop from our IT department, discussed the license borrowig process, and tehn completely forgot to borrow the license. He is now on the oposite coast, planning a meeting with an important client, and we do not have a VPN connection set up.

    Is there any way to check out a license for him, and transfer it to him by email?

    If there is a way to save this guy from his own mistakes, please meail me directly (posting is good too, but I am in a hurry)

    Charles Prettyman
    c.prettyman, Feb 19, 2005
  2. c.prettyman

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Let him dial in with RAS (if you have that enabled) and check it out.

    Or, if the laptop has never had the product installed (which product is
    it?), FedEx him an install disk, and let him run the product using the trial

    The only license that can be transferred PC-to-PC is the standalone license.
    Depending on the product, he'd have to reinstall the standalone version in
    order to use it.

    Any chance the client might have a network license of the product?

    Cy Shuster, Feb 20, 2005
  3. c.prettyman

    AlmightySR Guest

    Good call Cy. He can even download the trial install from the Autodesk
    website. Its not too big... 56meg. With a hotel T1 connection shouldnt take
    more then half hour at worst case.(depending on how taxed the hotel line is)
    AlmightySR, Feb 23, 2005
  4. c.prettyman

    c.prettyman Guest

    Oh, I wish management would take as hard a stance with our Star Designers as you guys do. Luckily, it turns out that IT had thought to install the VPN clinet on the laptop just in case, so one of them came into the office early Monday morning, and spent some time setting up the router etc so he could connect by VPN, and tehn they walked him through it.
    c.prettyman, Feb 23, 2005
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