license and a virus

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by frikky, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. frikky

    frikky Guest

    i work remotely and check out a license to use cad2005. computer got a bad virus and had to perform a full system restore. but...forgot to return the license before the restore. i thought it would still expire, but it didn't and now we have problems acquiring licenses in the office. we're down one because of this. autodesk isn't too helpful with this matter. anyone have advice or a clue what we can do? thanks very much.
    frikky, Feb 24, 2005
  2. frikky

    TravisNave Guest

    Your server should expire the license after the maximum timeout has been reached. If this is not the case, have you tried doing a forced shutdown? It may release the stuck license. However, there is no GUI option if FlexLM to resolve this issue. Have IM?
    TravisNave, Feb 25, 2005
  3. frikky

    frikky Guest

    well...if a total system restore of the cpu is a "forced shutdown", then yes, that has happened yet we continue to have license problems. the time it was to expire was within a few days after i did the system restore, and that was about 3 weeks ago. but...our license manager is saying that it's still gone. i believe this is because i wasn't connected on our vpn to the company server, thus, there was no way of my computer at home to tell the server that it had expired...that is, if i'm totally understanding how the licensing works. this is really frustrating, thanks for any help.
    frikky, Feb 25, 2005
  4. frikky

    TravisNave Guest

    Actually, I meant a forced shutdown of the License Server. Have you tried that?
    TravisNave, Feb 25, 2005
  5. frikky

    frikky Guest

    i'll speak to our IT guy. i believe he did a restore of some type, but i will mention a forced shutdown. thank you travis.
    frikky, Feb 25, 2005
  6. frikky

    TravisNave Guest

    If you still have problems, you can give me your email address or IM.
    TravisNave, Feb 25, 2005
  7. frikky

    frikky Guest

    thanks. i'll try to remember to update this post after speaking to our IT.
    frikky, Feb 25, 2005
  8. The license will expire at the end of the borrow period, regardless of what
    happened on the workstation. What makes you think that has not happened?

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Feb 26, 2005
  9. frikky

    frikky Guest

    we have 8 licenses, one for each designer. however, now only 6 can use cad at a time. we have "lost" 2 licenses. if a 7th person tries to open cad, the splash screen says that a license can't be found. someone then shuts down cad and then the other person can open it.

    i had to perform a total system restore on my computer and another co-worker had to do a cad restore for some reason. for some reason, our 2 licenses we had out at the time don't appear to be "back" in the license manager.
    frikky, Feb 26, 2005
  10. Do a status enquiry in LMtools. It will show the status of each license in
    use. If a status line has a "linger" flag it means the license is borrowed
    and you will either have to do an early return or wait for the borrow period
    to expire.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    cad at a time. we have "lost" 2 licenses. if a 7th person tries to open
    cad, the splash screen says that a license can't be found. someone then
    shuts down cad and then the other person can open it.
    co-worker had to do a cad restore for some reason. for some reason, our 2
    licenses we had out at the time don't appear to be "back" in the license
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Feb 28, 2005
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