License agreement

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris W, May 21, 2004.

  1. Chris W

    Chris W Guest

    Can someone tell me what the Solidworks license agreement says if
    anything about using the software on a machine at the office and one at

    Chris W

    Bring Back the HP 15C

    Not getting the gifts you want? The Wish Zone can help.
    Chris W, May 21, 2004
  2. Chris W

    MM Guest


    I don't know the exact wording, but it's been allowed since the beginning.
    Don't know how they do it outside the US though, you need a dongle.


    MM, May 21, 2004
  3. Take the dongle home with you!
    Kenyon Family, May 21, 2004
  4. Chris W

    Michael Guest

    from the horse's mouth; see particularly the part about home use towards the

    Grant of License. SolidWorks grants to you a nonexclusive nontransferable
    license to use the Software and the printed and/or electronic user
    documentation (the "Documentation") accompanying the Software in accordance
    with this Agreement. If you have paid the license fee for a single user
    license, this Agreement permits you to use one copy of the Software on any
    single computer, provided that the Software is in use on only one computer
    at any time. If you have paid the license fees for multiple licenses of the
    Software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the Software in
    use as you have licenses. The Software is "in use" on a computer when it is
    loaded into the temporary memory (i.e. RAM). If the potential number of
    users of the Software exceeds the number of licenses you have purchased,
    then you must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that
    the number of computers on which the Software is running concurrently does
    not exceed the number of licenses purchased. Except for COSMOS products,
    license suites consisting of bundles of separate modules (such as SolidWorks
    Office) cannot float separately from each other (for example, where there is
    one SolidWorks Office license, Toolbox cannot be floated to one computer
    while PhotoWorks is floated to a different computer). At the time of
    registration (see Article 9 below) you must inform us of the maximum number
    of potential users of the licenses you purchase. We recommend you also
    inform us of the names of all potential users so that we can notify them of
    upcoming updates and other pertinent information. If the Software is
    permanently installed on the hard disk or other storage device of a computer
    (other than a network server) and one person uses that computer more than
    80% of the time it is in use, then that person may also use the Software on
    a portable or home computer [not applicable to COSMOS products]. You will
    keep accurate and up-to-date records of the numbers and locations of all
    copies of the Software, will supervise and control the use of the Software
    in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and will provide copies of
    such records to SolidWorks upon reasonable request.
    Michael, May 21, 2004
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