library parts and removing design tables

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Youtsey, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. Paul Youtsey

    Paul Youtsey Guest

    We have a library of bought parts like fasteners and even bearing which have
    design tables associated with their models. We don't want to send our entire
    library to a customer that has requested all of the 3d models and drawings
    for a specific project. When you open an assembly and then open the
    bought/library part and save off a copy in a new location (but don't check
    the box save as copy) the assembly is now linked to a new file but the
    design table is still linked to the original stand alone excel file in our
    library. My question is does anyone know how to sever the link or an easy
    way to re-embed the excel file to the new SW file without the hassle of
    copying the excel file to new location and re-linking or going through a
    bunch of steps in solid works? The bought parts have a bunch of
    configurations and more than one configuration might be used in the assembly
    Paul Youtsey, Aug 26, 2004
  2. Normally you open your assy. Then go to File/Find References and click on
    Copy Files. This will make a copy of everything needed for that assy. Like
    a Pack & Go.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 26, 2004
  3. Paul Youtsey

    Seth Renigar Guest

    True. However if I understand Paul's post correctly, the library parts are
    using external design tables ("link to file" option in the DT feature
    properties). If this is the case, I doubt the find reference and copy
    method will get the external Excel files, much less keep them associated to
    the correct part.

    I think the solution is to have ALL of your library parts use embedded
    design table to start with. This would be easy enough to do, however a
    little time consuming because it would have to be done to every part in the
    library one at a time.

    To do this to your library parts: open the part, right click on the design
    table, uncheck "link to file". This will embed the design table into the
    part itself. Now, wherever the part goes, the design table will always be
    with it. The only disadvantage is that your SW file size will probably

    This also hold true for assembly design tables as well.
    Seth Renigar, Aug 26, 2004
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