Library part links in PDMWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Kav, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. Kav

    Kav Guest


    I am in the process of cleaning the data base in Pdmworks. In one
    project there are some standard parts. Some of these standard parts are
    link from the library and some are checked in the project itself. My
    objective is to remove that checked in standard parts and create a link
    for the standard parts to the standard part library. Some how I am not
    able to do it as you cannot change project of a part from a project to
    the standard part library. I tried another way of checking out all the
    parts replacing the parts in the main assembly to the parts in the
    standard library and checking them in. But it didn't work. Any solid
    ways to do this stuff will be much appriciated.

    Thanks in advance
    Kav, Nov 16, 2005
  2. Kav

    geonv Guest

    You can do this \"manually\":
    You need to check out the standard parts from the Vault then delete them
    from the Vault; then move the standard parts from your \"working\" to
    where the standard library parts are located; after that re-attach those
    standard parts to your assembly and check in your assembly.
    It takes some time, especially if you have those stadard parts used in
    more than one assy.

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    geonv, Nov 21, 2005
  3. Kav

    Dominic V Guest

    When deleting stuff from PDMWorks, its a good idea to have a seperate
    project folder for "deleted stuff". Move the parts into this folder
    before deleting, that way, if you delete something by accident it is
    easy to find. PDMW creates a subfolder in the project folder of a part
    when it is deleted, and stores a copy for retrieval if needed. This
    can add extra space to the vault, and makes it difficult to locate
    deleted files. If you have a seperate project folder for deleting
    items it will make these problems much easier to manage.
    Dominic V, Nov 23, 2005
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