Library Part Creation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by PeterD, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. PeterD

    PeterD Guest

    I'm looking for advice on the creation of library parts. A problem that
    I have is placing a revolved cut hole feature, a stepped recess for a
    hydraulic catridge. Two issues that I wish to resolve are:

    The ability to place the feature on a plane or face and have it cut
    into the solid (it sometimes cuts the air above the solid surface).

    The ability to have the sketch orientate parallel to a chosen plane so
    that the dimensions can later be imported into a drawing at a known
    cross section (good houskeeping but seems hard to achieve, the same
    problem exists with the hole wizard drawing sketches)

    Thanks in advance
    PeterD, Jun 9, 2005
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