Library Features - Internal and External Threads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SxWx, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. SxWx

    SxWx Guest


    I am usually the guy that gets to model threads into various parts
    here...and I am tired of having to do them manually every time. I have
    tried a few different ways of making library features of each size (3/4
    NPT - 3" NPT) so that I can just drag them into each part when I need

    For some reason, it will not allow me to save the thread
    matter what I do. The closest I can get, is it will pop up a box
    saying that some of the data will be lost...and every time the only
    data lost is the thread data!!!!

    Is there a way to do this ? What am I doing wrong!!!

    Thanks in advance!!!

    SxWx, Mar 6, 2006
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