Library Features and Smart Components

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    I've seen and created some cool library features in the past. At one
    point I worked for an optical manufacturer and came up with a library
    feature that allowed you to bounce a beam of light off of mirrors, and
    would model the path as you went.

    Does anyone have any cool library features you use or would like to
    share? Or ideas for library features you would like help developing?

    Or how about Smart Components? That is some potentially useful
    functionality I haven't had much practical use for yet. Anyone have
    comments on this stuff?

    matt, Nov 2, 2006
  2. matt

    cr Guest

    Not a library feature but.

    I wrote an Excel VBA project that makes a catalog of SW files based on
    custom properties. This lets you make a document that lists everything
    in a specified folder. It dosen't require running SW or even having it
    installed. I can send you a copy if you want to take a look. I haven't
    figured out how to write back to the files but that would be handy for
    improving nomenclature consistency.

    I've done some optics design work and use a small sketch block shape
    related to a point and tangent to control ray reflection. A similar
    block can also control refraction. You can use these things to drag
    ray's around a sketch optimize and find focus points etc. I used this
    to create an optically correct frenel lens. (exporting the SW model to
    raytracing software showed that it worked just fine) Do you have any of
    the optics features you mention above available to share? Does your
    tool work in 3D?
    cr, Nov 3, 2006
  3. matt

    matt Guest

    That sounds very interesting. If you could post it somewhere or send it
    along, I'd appreciate it.
    I have long since lost the library feature, but I'm sure I could
    recreate it. Yes, it worked in 3D. I didn't have it set up to do
    refraction, but I suppose there isn't any reason why it couldn't. I'll
    work on putting it together and maybe we could trades stuff.

    matt, Nov 3, 2006
  4. matt

    cr Guest

    Here is a link for the custom properties project.

    This is the only link that is active just now. I will get the other
    items packaged up in a day or so.

    Trading sounds great! I'll see what else I've got here on the old hard

    cr, Nov 3, 2006
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