Library Feature help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alphawave, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    I've not used library features much - but i now have a project that
    may need them - unless you guys know of a better way!

    I have to design a number of flat plates that have a number of "U"
    shaped channels on their surface to carry fluid.

    I thought the best way to prduce these features would be to sweep the
    profile along a path and instead of having to re create the profile
    sketch for every path (start plane and orientation not same for each
    channel) I could insert the profile as a library feature.

    The problem I am having is creating a library part that is easily
    positionable in the plane and position I need it to be.

    It's probably just my lack of knowledge on how the library feature is
    created - but the help file is not that detailed.

    Any advice kndly accepted.

    alphawave, Nov 20, 2008
  2. alphawave

    Engineer Guest


    Is there any specific requirement of using the design library feature.
    You can also try using configurations.

    Engineer, Nov 21, 2008
  3. alphawave

    j Guest

    We had a similar problem that we solved using the library feature but
    had to add holes into an airfoil at compound angles. The library feature
    included sketches to drive the different angles. We then made planes
    using those sketches as part of the library feature. So you may need to
    do something similar within your library feature.
    j, Nov 21, 2008
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